Chapter seventeen: Oppa

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Lunch break finally arrived to everyone's great relief. The harmonies were very hard to pull off and they kept on redoing their lines over and over.

Dae was making her magic and fixing tracks at lighting quick pace in a state of focus so intense that she hadn't said a word all morning. The boys were debating whether or not to get some takeout or go eat somewhere and Yoongi took a deep breath. It was time.

He grabbed the lunchbox and came next to Dae. She didn't even notice him.

He pulled her headphones off and she flinched. ''Is anything the matter?'' she asked, startled and confused.

Yoongi opened the lunch box. ''Eat.''

''Thanks, but you don't need to share your lunch with me, I'm not very hungry.'' Dae said, with a smile before reaching back to her headphones.

Yoongi put his hand over hers. ''You had a crazy morning, so I'm pretty sure you didn't eat any breakfast... You need your focus to make our music sound good.'' He insisted.

''I'd feel bad for stealing your food...''

''I made plenty of gimbap for two... At least have a taste before saying no?'' The boy said, before reaching for chopsticks and picking up a piece of gimbap. ''Say ahh...''

Dae's face flushed bright red as Yoongi held his chopstick in front of her mouth. Did he intend on feeding her?

The room had gone silent and she could feel the boys looking at them... She was much too embarrassed to say anything so she decided to oblige...

''Ahhh...'' she said before taking the bite. She quickly covered her mouth, oddly shy to have Yoongi look at her eat. He didn't strike her as the type of guy who cooked, but surprisingly, the gimbap was delicious.

''Mmmh.... Ishh goohd...'' she said mouth still half full already dropping her manners again.

The view of her eyes lighting up when she tasted his food filled Yoongi with warmth. With her cheeks stuffed like that, she looked too adorable for him to handle and he didn't even notice the wide gummy smile that grew on his face. Dae smiled in return, she had never known scary Suga could look this cute.

He handed her the chopsticks so she could keep on eating and he picked up a pair for himself.

''Ohh... Can I have a taste?'' Jungkook asked when he saw Yoongi dig in with Dae.

''No. We're going out for lunch.'' Namjoon said with a meaningful glance at Yoongi.

The leader was giving him a shot at being alone with Dae, he had to use it wisely. He gave the leader a thankful look, barely believing his luck.

''This is so good! Did your mom teach you how to cook?'' Dae asked still eating hungrily.

''My family had a restaurant, so I learned some. What about you, do you cook?''

''Yeah! With a single father I had to learn young if I wanted to eat something else than cup ramen!'' she joked.

''Can I ask about your mother?'' Yoongi said, unsure if he was making a mistake.

''Don't worry, she's alive and well. We just never really got along...''

''That's sad...'' Yoongi said, wondering how Dae could have fallen out of touch with her own mother. She didn't seem like a problematic person.

''I wish I could have made her proud and gone to school... but I just wasn't good enough...'' Dae said, a bit lost in her thoughts.

Yoongi put the lunchbox aside, his expression darkening.

''That's bullshit! You're good at what you do and you earn a living doing it; that should be plenty enough for a mother to be proud. You're more than good enough; don't let anyone tell you otherwise... If someone does tell you otherwise... just tell me and I'll handle it... '' he said surprisingly angry at the way Dae perceived herself.

She tilted her head to the side, confused by Suga's reaction.

''What I mean is...'' Yoongi held his head, trying to find the right words to say. ''If something bothers you... I can be there to help... I'm your elder and we work together now... so I can be there when you need someone....'' he said struggling to keep a straight face.

Dae raised an eyebrow, half intrigued half amused. Yoongi acted like she was an annoyance most of the time, but right now, it almost looked like he was worried for her... His expression was disinterested, but the blush of his cheeks betrayed him. He was so cute when he was embarrassed that she couldn't resist teasing him.

''You're right... You are my elder... Should I call you oppa, then?'' Dae said innocently, before tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

Yoongi's eyes grew wide and he choked on his gimpab as Dae let out a giggle. He hated getting laughed at, but when it meant he could hear Dae's laughter, he didn't mind at all.

If she called him oppa, his mind would probably break... but on another side of things he was curious to hear how it sounded. On top of that, she never called Namjoon, oppa... The leader had gotten the first kiss, but he could be the one to grab this first.

''Younger colleagues often call me oppa... I don't see a problem with it...'' he said trying his best to look casual about it.

''Really?'' Dae said surprised that he didn't mind. Could it be that he actually wanted her to address him like that? ''Then... Yoongi-oppa... Can I have some more gimbap?'' she asked while looking at the lunch box he had put to the side.

Yoongi then realised the enormity of his mistake.

With Dae calling him oppa like that, he would never be able to refuse her anything.

Unbeknownst to her, she now had him wrapped around her little finger.

''Here. Have as much as you want...''


Author's note:

Awww! Aren't they so cute? XD I love writing cute and fluffy chapters like those! We'll be back to all that drama and fun next chapter, don't you worry! :P

See you again next chapter! Hope you enjoy the read so far!

Have a lovely day!

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