Chapter fourteen: The deal

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Suga slammed the glass door leading to the balcony before leaning over the railing; hoping some fresh air could put his ideas back into place. He shouldn't have reacted to what Namjoon had said, but he couldn't help it.

RM slowly opened the door and came next to Suga.

''What was that about?'' the leader asked, inquisitive, but calm.

Yoongi sighed. ''Forget about it...''

''You're not yourself these days. Everyone seems to appreciate Dae at the studio, but you keep sending angry glares her way when we're together and when the conversation involves her, you get super defensive. Did she do anything to you?'' Namjoon added.

''She didn't do anything...''

''Then wha-''Namjoon started before Yoongi cut him off.

''You went all out to make Dae fall for you and then you treat her like that? Like she isn't good enough to be your girl! She's a great person and I don't want you playing with her feelings! '' Suga's tone was harsher then what he had intended.

''Are you jealous?'' Namjoon asked, suddenly connecting the dots. ''You liked her from the start, that's why you acted so strangely around her! I did ask you if you liked her! Why did you say you weren't interested?''

''You made the first move. I didn't want to cause drama. I thought she'd be better off with you but turns out I was wrong...You don't even think she's good enough for you to date...'' Yoongi responded bitterly.

''That's not what happened! She's the one who wanted us to be just friends!'' the other said, a bit insulted that his hyung thought of him that way, but still trying to be the reasonable one.

Suga looked up to RM with an apologetic look. He had messed up again. As the oldest he had to make up with Namjoon. He preferred to maintain harmony in the group rather than simply fulfilling his selfish desires. It was time to step on his feelings again.

''Ahh... I really can't understand that girl...I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions... I don't want us to fight; it's bad for the group. Let's forget about this okay? Just, be good to her, alright?'' he said in a flat tone, not emotion showing on his face.

Namjoon shook his head. ''This isn't right. You have feelings for her and you suffered to spare me. If you give up on her, I'll give up on her too, it's as simple as that. We can't let a girl come between us.''

''No! She already likes you! I didn't stand a chance from the start, don't miss out on being happy with her for me!'' Yoongi argued.

''What makes you think she likes me? She practically rejected me by asking for us to only be friends. For all I know, you're the one she really likes!'' Namjoon said sternly. ''Refusing your shot with her kind of equals making that decision for her. The only one that knows which one of us is the best for her would be Dae herself... Whatever her decision would be, I would respect.... Hell, I'd be happy for you...'' he added annoyed at how complicated the situation was.

''You know I'd be happy too if the both of you are happy together! But this whole thing can only end in one huge mess'' Yoongi admitted, struggling to hide how irritated he was.

''It doesn't have to end in a mess! We're brothers aren't we?'' Namjoon said before grabbing Suga by the shoulders. The eyes of the eldest opened in surprise and he was left speechless.

At that moment, he felt that he bond between the two of them was strong; strong enough to survive most anything.

''Don't give up on her out of kindness for me! If you really like her then do your best to win her over and I'll do the same! '' Namjoon said firmly, resolve burning in his eyes. ''She deserves the chance to choose which one of us she loves!''

''Can we really do this? I mean, try to win over the same girl?'' Yoongi asked, still skeptical.

''Both of us will get the same chance. We'll try to divide the time we spend with her equally. We won't interfere with the other's flirting and as soon as she chooses who she likes the looser will step down gracefully. No hard feelings.'' The leader explained, putting down his conditions. ''Can you agree with that?''

Suga knew competing for Dae , even in a friendly way, could lead to a huge emotional disaster. Still, giving up on her without knowing if he ever stood a chance was too painful to bear.

''I agree, but on one condition. If at any point it gets too intense and we start fighting, we will put an end to this game and ask her to choose between us right then and there.'' The oldest said while extending his hand to Namjoon.

The leader grabbed his hyung's hand.



Author's note:

I would never make such good friends fight! Or not now at least! XD Now we just have to find out whether this deal is a good idea or a terrible mistake!

By the way, did you spot the line from the synopsis in this one? Now you know the context behind it!

Hopefully you enjoyed the read and I'll see you again next chapter!

Thank you so much for reading! :D

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