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💫 Sora's POV 💫

I'm just going to be very honest with you guys I am not the tallest guy out there. I'm only 5'3 and my best friend Riku well I'm sure he is 5'8 or 5'7. I'm kinda jealous of him. But I'm still growing so I will catch up to him.

💫 1 year later💫

I can't believe that I only grew 1 inch. And Riku looks like he grew 2 or more. How is that even possible? But here are some good news me and Riku are dating. It's really nice to date someone taller when I really think about it. The only bad thing is I have tiptoe or he has to bend down. Riku always says that he doesn't mind. I know it true but some times he looks tired so that's when I tiptoe. To be honest I find it kinda embarrassing but it's cute. So my point is that it's okay that our heights are different we all that matters is that we are together

💫 Authors Note💫

If u haven't listened to Utada Hikaru Don't think twice then you should I'm 100% sure that it's talking about Soar and Riku

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