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💫 Sora's POV 💫

Going to the plaza with Riku is always fun. We look at stores and we get snacks. Sometimes we do buy things like that time we go matching keychains. Personal it was something cute to do. You may be wondering we did we come to the plaza today. Well I came because it's mine and Riku's anniversary. We been dating for 3 years but the thing is its our secret. Back to my point I'm going to get Riku this sweater that he has been looking at for a while now and I thought it would be a great gift.

💫Time skip💫

Okay now that I have Riku's gift all wrapped up all I have to do is wait for him to come home. That shouldn't take to long now I know he will be home in at least 10 minutes. I'll take a nap while I wait.

💫 Riku's POV 💫
I'm out from work as I walk down the street closing in to the cafe me and Sora went to on our first date. It was one of my happiest memories. Well I should hurry Sora is probably waiting for me. Once I got to our apartment I come in simply say "Sora I home." The odd thing was I didn't get a reply. So I walk in to the living room and see Sora sleeping. I also see a cake that says "Happy Birthday Riku" and a gift I'll open them tomorrow not only do I need sleep but my lovely prince does to.

💫Time Skip to morning 💫
I woke up and Sora is gone so I get up and brush my teeth, shower and change. Once I'm done I go out from the room and see Sora upset to I sit next to him. "What's wrong love?" He looks at me with tears in his eye and just hugs me. Then I look around and see the cake had melted. "You sure are a crybaby." He puts his face deeper into my chest "I know but I had this whole thing plan and I mess it up because I fell asleep. Oh before I forget happy Birthday and here is your gift hope you like it." He smiles as I open it. "Sora how did you know. Thank you." He smiles and kisses me and says "I know you too well Riku." I just sit there looking at my new jacket thinking you sure do. I look at him pull him close and kiss him "I love so much Sora" he blushed and hugs me "I love you too." We sit there hugging before Sora got hungry. This is why I love him.

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