Part 3: Cafeteria

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You, Vivi, Nami and Luffy arrived at the front of the cafeteria, 3 of you were looking around to see if Robin arrived yet and Luffy just sprint to the counter to order as much of the food he wants.

"I don't see Robin anywhere around," Nami spoke to you and Vivi, Both of you nodded to indicate that you guys didn't see Robin either.

"I think we should find a place to sit," said Vivi, Nami and You nodded agreeing to find a place to sit first.

Nami then replies with "How about me and Vivi go and order our food and (y/n) find a table for us? It's that okay for you all?"

You and Vivi nodded back to her.

"Alright then, Vivi come with me and (Y/n) What would you like to have I'll order it for you!" said Nami

You were about to order something but you didn't know what food they have in the cafeteria because you're still new to this school. So you asked Nami "Umm... What do they have? Cause I'm still new to this school..."

Nami sighed and list out all of the food that they have, After finish listing out a long list of food she exhaled as if she was running out of the air to breathe.

"I'll have the curry katsu!" You told Nami what you want.

"Alright, Let's go order the food now Nami!" said Vivi while pulling Nami hands to the counter to order.

You went looking for an empty table, you look around for some time but didn't find any empty table. You kept looking, then you found someone you knew before sitting on a table sleeping. Green hair, scar on his left eye, had 3 earrings on his left ear. He was Zoro.

You were shock and happy to see him again but you didn't believe it was him until he had 3 of his sword (or katana) on the table and you immediately confirm that he's Zoro

You and Zoro went to the same dojo to train your swordsmanship when you were young before you moved out because of your parent's job when you were about to start your elementary school, He looks the same as the time you last saw him but with a scar on his left eye. You walk to his table and tapped him a few times before he wakes up from his naps.

"U-HUh who's there?!" asked Zoro who quickly woke up with a funny face.

"It's me! (y/n)! Do you not remember ?" you replied with a grin.

Zoro then looks at you and realized who you are.

"OH! Well, aren't cha (Y/n)? It's been too long! Wanna spar later? I wanna see how weak you become! Haha~" Laughed Zoro

an angry tick mark appeared on your head and you said: "Don't get too cocky just because you can use 3 swords!"

"Anyway," you continued "Do you mind me and my friends sit here? Cause I can't find any more empty table."

"Mmm? Sure I wouldn't mind since I'm just waiting for that swirly eyebrow to bring my food here," said Zoro

"Swirly eyebrows?" You think to yourself and you think for a few minutes and realized he was talking about Sanji.

"Oh! Sanji?" You asked Zoro, He nodded while yawning.

"By the way, Who's your friend?" Zoro asked you.

"Ah~ There's Nami, Vivi and Robin. And maybe a boy called umm Luffy?" You reply

Zoro's only eye widened when he heard their names and said "WAIT! They study here too?! but how the hell did Luffy get enrolled in this school? and why is that cat burglar woman here?"

You tilted your head confused with a "?" appeared "You know them?" you asked

Zoro turns to you and said "Of course I do! We were in the same class and school together during middle school and high school! We became a group called "Straw Hat" we were separated when we graduated from high school, There's still a few Nakama of ours that I still haven't met up yet but I hope they're doing good. "

You Lit The Fire In Me (Ace X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora