Part 5: PE Class~

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You walked to the girl's locker and found someone calling your name.

"(Y/n)! I didn't know you had PE!" she then hugged you from behind. You quickly turn your head around and saw that it was Nami.

"Nami?!" you said surprised.

"I'm glad there's someone I know is here!" said Nami with a smile.

"I'm glad too" you reply, you were about to change your clothes but then you suddenly remember you forgot to bring your PE attire, you face turn pale.

Nami pops in and said "Let me guess? forgot to bring your attire?"

You turn to her in a disappointed face while saying "Yes...And it's the first day too..." then facepalmed yourself. Then you saw a new attire hand over your face.

"Here's an extra one that I have from me! I have never worn it but, I will not charge you if you would make that delicious pancake of yours that you made this morning tomorrow~" said Nami with her tongue sticking out.

You feel a small chill down your spine because you know how much she charges at ridiculous prices. You sigh that you couldn't escape her.

"Fine, But I make no promises that the pancake will be smoothed as today's pancake." You said to Nami while changing your clothes to your attire.

"Alright then! It's a deal~" said Nami while smiling.

You finished changing into your attire and it's a bit tight for you because it was Nami's extra attire. At least you're able to breathe comfortably through them and move around.

By that time, Tashigi had come in and told you all to come out and do some warm-ups before doing anything, You and Nami follow the others walking to the edge of the field, you saw the boys already started running laps around the field. Tashigi told all of the girls do split up in 2 groups making a circle and start warming up.

While you and the others were warming up, you were checking out I mean looking at Ace. He suddenly becomes hot while running and your heart flutters at his handsome face and his well-bulit body that forms from the shirt that also somehow seems a little tight for him. You were now thinking how would he look like if he doesn't have a shirt on and you immediately blush a light tint of pink on your cheek while your heart starts to beat a little beat faster.

After you zoned out a bit and not moving Nami wave her hand in front of you trying to realize that everyone had finished the warm while you're the only one still holding on to the warm-up pose.

"Hello~ earth to (y/n)?" said Nami still waving her hand in front of you.

You quickly snapped back and replies "O-oh sorry! I zoned out for a bit." while blushing a little more making it easier to see that you were flustered.

Nami realised you were blushing and said: "You're checking someone out aren't cha~?" with her signature smirk.

"W-w-what the hell??! O-of course not!" you stuttered while blushing even more.

Nami chuckled and asked: "Eeehh~~ Then why is your face so red~?" in a playful manner.

"B-because it's h-hot out here!" you said using an overrated excuse to be flustered.

"Is that soo (y/n)-chan~?" said Nami.

"Y-yes! Now leave me alone! hmph!" you said making a pouting face.

"Well, whatever you say~~," said Nami with a playful smile.

Suddenly, Tashigi dropped 2 large baskets filled with tennis racket on the ground making a loud "thump" You, Nami and the other turn to look at her.

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