Meet The Family, Trevon & Tahje

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Mom-Hope Brown

Sister-asia Brown( don't live with them)

Brother- holiday Brown

Once I got home I went straight to my room and flopped on my bed. Damn it been a long day who knew I would meet tall n sexy and make fri.....people yea people. I was home alone until.

*Knock at the door*

Trevon-who is it"I said

????- you already know who it is"he said

Trevon-noooo you might be a killer for all I know."I said with a smile

????-It's holiday dumb ass now open the door I forgot my key"he said

Trevon-Oh you my big brother come on in my nigga" I said opening the door

Holiday-that not funny you know its cold as shit out there"he said going to his room

Trevon-well I would never know because I don't get cold you see."I said running up to him to give him a hug.

*We both laugh*

Hoilday-yea momma always said....."he was cut off

Trevon- I have a heart big enough to warm the world. "I said smiling.

*my ma comes through the door*

Trevon&Holiday-Hey ma."We both said

Mom-hello boys tired sleepy my feet hurt about to go in my room and go to bed  "she said

Trevon-well then."I said when ma pass to me

Holiday- you konw how ma is boi."he said look at me

I know that but It not fair....



Dad- Nathan Howard

Papi- Rico Lawrence -Howard

Childhood Friend- jade moon(lesbian)

Why can't I get ol'boy out my head im straight I may 2 dads but I alway liked pussy.He do look like a girl and he got ass....maybe I might ass......I mean ask him out but what if he say no.

Papi-Ayeee Tahje come eat."he said

Tahje-Ok!!!!"I yelled down the hall

As I came down the stairs I seen dad put the macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes on the table with the chicken and sat down with papi.

Dad - whats up kid how was school.

I met a fine piece of boy ass that might have my babys if I play my cards right. I dont kno why but I smiled a little to hard on that last part.

Tahje- Good."I said lookin goofy

*They both look a me for a minute.*

Papi-what the hell worng wit you today."he said with one eyebrows in the air

Dad-yea who is she."he said smiling

Papi-or guy."he said cutting his chicken and ate it

Tahje-It not a she or....he."I said

Papi-Boy I carried you for 9 months I know when your lying but ok."he said



Hey guy, girls ,cats ,dogs any other beautiful creatures are left out I'm sorry that it took so long but you know I have school I will try to update on weekends until then always have love in your heart =^_^= byee

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