Halloween costumes

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Once in the the night there was a party full fright ......Ok im not good at this shit let try this way 

Kush James- gladiator

Brain Green- spongebob

Kyler lynch-football

Alexander Washington- Witch

Juwan Wilson- Angel

Antonio Love- devil

Derrick Rogers-Sexy Nerd

Dominique O'Hare- Stripper

Kenneth Michaels- sexy firefighter

Nijah Cole- Superman

Trevon Edwards- Little Red Riding Hood

Tahje Howard-Big Bad Wolf

I might do special after this cuz I gotta pick up some cuz I'm doing this at last minute soo if people comment and say that they want me to do special I would do it if not I won't do it

you know what they say on Halloween the freaks come out at night the freaks come out at nighttttt what what what freaks come out at night

Alway have fright in your heart byee#&×£"!/÷!×&$*÷¥/**×*/3&*#

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