Meet the family,Antonio & juwan

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Stepbrother -Antonio love

Stepdad- Cortez love

Mom- sharon wilson

Me- juwan wilson


Me and Antonio was in the driveway in front of the house in the car sit listen to music that when Antonio garb my hand and kiss it.

Antonio- "No creo que yo no puedo amar a nadie más más de lo que puedo amarte alguna vez.," he said to me

Juwan-" I know and same to you papi but, we must go in for they think something going on and you know how my mom is.," I said pulling my hand away and get out.

Antonio-"You kno I do juju,"said coming form around the car

We both laughed and went inside.

Juwan-Mama we home", I said walk in the living room

sharon- Hey boy how was you day.",she said with a smile on her face

Antonio-Good.....really good like an big sticky load off my shoulders.", said with a goofy grin

* my mom stares at him for a minute*

Oh my dear Lord did he really just say what I think you just said.


Sharon-  what's gotten into you.",she asked

* haha more like what got out of me and I decide to go in your son*

Juwan-yeah let me know to bother.",he said with an "boi if you don't stop talking face"

Antonio- what ok I'm sorry it was just a good day today soooo yeah plus I did not get dirty in art because people decide to have a glue fight ",I said look at them

Juwan just the left the room with his hands up like *nigga you don't it now* and just went up stairs.

Sharon-ok? Well tell juwan I will be back I got to go pick up your father from the airport might not be back until 2 o'clock in the morning so eat something and lock up the house and set the alarm OK.,"she said leaving out the door.


Antonio waited for her stepmother to pull out the driveway and once she was gone out of my sight Antonio ran up running upstairs into his and juwan room.

Juwan- what's up why you run up the stairs?," he asked

Antonio did not say nothing he just hopped on juwan making him fall back on the bed and started to kiss him. The kiss was hot juwan tried to push Antonio off but fail weak and now under Antonio spell. Their tongue dance across each other mouth then Antonio slid down to Juwan neck just to let him breathe for a little bit .As he kept on kissing him juwan started to speak

Juwan- dear god.... my.. mother might..mmm hear us.," he said try not to  moan...loudly for that matter.

Antonio stop kissing him at him

Antonio- your mom's gone to pick up my dad from the airport he just came from Puerto Rico but he's coming back here and she won't be home until 2 in the morning probably longer so let's have fun juju.," he said

And with that it start...

Antonio &juwan to be continued....

Hello pretty people and happy new year Christmas whatever but there will be a sex scene but I just have to come up with some real sexy stuff so until next time always have love in your heart bye my pretties

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