Preference: How You Meet

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Sorry, I'm really really lazy, this is unedited

Y/N: Your Name

Y/L/N: Your Last Name

Y/N/N: Your Nickname

Y/M/N: Your Middle Name (If you have one)


Felicity: You were the main tech person at Kord Industries and your main rival was Palmer tech.  One day, the CEO of Palmer came had come over to strike a deal with the CEO of Kord.  Your boss asked you to wait at the front desk and lead the CEO up to Kaine's office, your boss.  

You leaned against the front desk, waiting for the glass doors to open.  As soon as they did, you saw a short blond woman, wearing a black dress enter.  "You're not Felicity Smoak, are you?" you asked confused as to how this young woman worked her way up to such a high position.  She seemed stunned for a second until she shook herself back to reality, "Err...ya, ya I'm Felicity Smoak." "I'm Y/N Y/L/N, right this way Ms.Smoak."

Laurel: When you met Laurel, she was kinda dating your twin brother, Tommy.  Your brother really wanted you to meet her and thought that the two of you could be best friends.  So, he invited you both to dinner.  

You walked into the restaurant to find Tommy sitting with this pretty girl at a table.  You walked over to them, "Hey Tommy!" you said grabbing your brother from his conversation.  "Y/N!" he said, standing up to hug me.  "Laurel, this is my sister/brother Y/N." he said as Laurel stood up from her chair to shake your hand.  For the rest of dinner, Laurel kept looking at you, staring at you but you didn't notice.  Laurel was interested in you, more than your brother.  He wouldn't admit it, but he was a little jealous.

Thea: You found yourself in the heart of Star City after your girlfriend Jesse Wells had brutally cheated on you back in Central City.  You wanted to get away from it all so here you were at Verdant.  A bar owned by one of your brother's friend's sister.  

You sat down on a stool asking the bartender for the strongest drink, though she was hesitant, she gave it to you.  As you were about to take your second sip a girl came and sat next to you.  "Let me guess...cheating break up?" the girl asked as I nodded. "Same," she replied.  You turned your head, "Really?" you asked. "Yup, my name is Thea Queen." "Oh, you're Oliver's sister?" "Ya, meaning you must be Barry's sister/brother." "Ya, just left the city to get away." "I get it, things can be shitty sometimes." "Yup, and you need to get right back up again, but it's hard." "Sometimes you need someone to help you.  Let me help you." 


Iris: You were Caitlin's younger sister/brother.  You first met Iris when she went to Star Labs for the first time.

"We both got whammied." Barry said sitting on the Medical table in his suit.  You weren't very fond of him, but Caitlin was.  You went into the lab to grab some water.  "Then you know how it feels." you heard an unfamiliar silky voice.  You went back into the room where Caitlin and Barry were at to see a woman standing there, glaring at Barry.  She noticed your recent arrival, and her jaw dropped in shock, which she later told you was because of your beauty.  You had the same expression.  Barry and Caitlin quickly noticed.  Caitlin showed a huge smirk, while Barry looked a bit jealous, you still had no idea who this was.  "Y/N/N, this is Iris, you know, the one dating Eddie." both you and Iris frowned.  Iris now realized who her true love is, "And, Iris, this is my sister/brother, Y/N." Iris, still shocked asked, "Your sister/brother?  I-I-I didn't know you had a sister/brother." Caitlin smiled and wrapped an arm around your shoulder.  "Err...Hi," you said nervously.  Now you realized why Barry was jealous, this was the Iris he always talked about.  Caitlin would always get sad when he talked about her, I knew Caitlin liked him even if she doesn't admit it.  You made Iris completely forget about the Barry situation, "I um...have to go." Iris quickly ran out and you smiled to yourself.  You turned towards Barry, "Sorry Bar, but she's mine." 

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