Let's Spice it up

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Leia, Rasshin, Naka, Suto, Shaun, Kisu, Rei, Oto, and Teikyo. I wonder if something like this has happened before, or if Leia snapped like me and killed everyone before Rasshin did something. I also wonder what she said... "Mai? Are you okay?" Yasu asked. "Eh-? Oh I'm fine. Just trying to wake up ya know?" I smiled. "If you say so..." I blinked. "I'm going to get food." I said as I walked out.

"Am I really acting that different?" I wondered as I fiddled with the bow on my chest. I glanced at the kitchen clock to see I was gone for a few minutes. "I guess I should head ba-" "Mai." familiar cold arms draped over my shoulders. "I'm beginning to get bored Mai. You'll never be released if you don't step up your game." Rasshin murmured with a taunting voice. I pulled away heading towards the door. I almost couldn't hear the foreboding words he said next.

"If you won't spice things up, I will."

I smiled with my eccentric friends, trying to ignore the sinking feeling the words gave me. Then the icy hands wrapped around my neck. "You know, if you keep acting like this you will never escape this." He hissed. The other members of spr were suddenly on full alert. "Mai-!" I sat perfectly still, Not letting a trace of fear seep out. Rasshin loosened his grip and smirked. "Hey, it's okay! You can keep going right? You have to." His voice dropped to the octaves with the foreboding sentence. "Mai, what is he-?" "I know this is getting harder, but you can do it right?" He lowered his voice again. "It has to be done." His hands moved to my shoulders and he dug his fingers into my skin. "Overtime, justifying things, lying, long hours....Y'know if you don't get this done- I'll be very disappointed." He disappeared with an insane laugh. "Ma-" I stood and went to the door. They won't remember tomorrow so why would he act so stupidly. "Mai!" Naru grabbed me. "What?!" I snapped. I saw the others flinch. "Explain." I growled and pulled my hand out of his grip. "It doesn't matter if I explain it to you now, it will just make it more likely for him to kill you this time." "This time?" I turned and ran before they could ask anymore.

"Hahahaha! That was hilarious!" "You did that. FOR KICKS?!" "Yep." I covered my face and bent my back backwards to see the ceiling through my fingers. "I don't understand you..." Rasshin smirked and disappeared. I sighed and went down to the basement. I'm beginning to think I'll never escape this.

I wandered around the house. "It's about that time again." I muttered, wandering over to the living room. Someone should be dead. I peaked in the crack. Rasshin was there... Talking with SPR? I noticed the sharp clock hand hidden behind his back, and a second later the weapon was being pulled out. I couldn't think before I found my self placed in front of Naru with a sudden slash wound running diagonally across my stomach. Rasshin wasn't expecting that at all either. "Mai!" I stopped my body from falling. "I wasn't expecting you to do that." Rasshin muttered, examining my wound from a distance. "What ever could have pushed you to do it." He hissed. A maniacal grin bloomed on my face. "I doubt you ever cared to, but I've kept count. Count of how long we've done this. Ever since Lin's first death set this all into motion." A streak of blood ran down my chin from my mouth. "About now should be 6530124710 Resets and even more times I've watched someone I care about die, over and over. You should be impressed I only snapped once!" I cut myself off with a sudden strong cough, causing more blood to leave me. I put a hand on Naru's shoulder to keep myself from falling. "Long story short,I'm not gonna let this happen anymore." I hissed. "Even at the expense of your own life?" I nodded silently. "Then I'll give you a chance next time to end this little game of ours." "Thanks for that..." I saw him smirk before he disappeared, then the world went dark. 

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