I Need a Plan

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I woke up in the regular bed, quickly recalling that this is my best chance to end this game.  "Now I just need to figure out how." For the most part he will probably leave me alone tonight. The answer to end this is probably in the story behind Leia, and how I use that information will be critical to how this story ends. "Mai?" I scurried over and opened the door. "Oh, good. You're awake. You got really tired out so we decided to let you nap for a bit." John said happily. "It really helped john. you go ahead, back to the others. I need to fix this little bed head first." I said smiling at him. "Of course." I watched as John walked a few steps down the hall, then closed the door. I pushed a bookshelf to the side and entered the passage leading to the main room, where the clock was held. Everyone seemed to be in the kitchen during the next half hour, more than enough time to grab the clock hand that was the key to this information. I stood in a spot on the floor and jumped, making a trap door open and drop me onto a platform partway down to the basement. The stairs down was the easiest part about this.

"If I follow the pattern so far then there should be more secrets around here." "Yes there are." I jumped. "Sweet Jesus!" I hissed as I turned to meet myse- No it was Leia's ghost. Now that her eyes were open I could see a tinge of dull red in her eyes, making them only a slightly darker shade from the short cloak aroud our shoulder's. "L-Leia...?" "Hello my counterpart. You're name is Mai right? Such a cute name." I nodded, filled with tension. What was this feeling? "I can help you, I don't appreciate what Rasshin has been doing to you." Her finger pointed to her coffin. "Go look at the paper again." I hesitated before unlocking the coffin again, and gently pulling the paper from her hands. Once I got it out everything became white. I saw Rasshin, now fully human, fixing and creating coffins, and as he finished he placed the note in Leia's hands.

I gasped as I came back to reality. "You're allowing me to...?" "This will tell you what happened that night. I should rest for now, I'm not that strong of a spirit you know." as Leia faded away I flipped the paper.

'behind the wall.'

That is so specific. I sighed in slight annoyance. "It's probably down here somewhere." 

So after a small investigation I found a patch in the wall slightly discolored from the rest. I put my hand flat on the wall and pushed. Surprisingly the wall caved in on my feeble attempt. A little shelf held a note. I picked it up.

"What a nice little group of friends you have." A blurry figure hissed with malice. "It's sickening." "What do you want?!" An maniacal laugh seeped from the figure. "I have an idea! And you will be just the right puppet for this game." The man grabbed Leia's wrist and pulled her in. "Leia! No!" The grin only grew wider. A black mist seemed to seep from it and into Leia. "Ghk! GAgh......HHAAAaaaaaaa!" Groans of pain erupted from her lips.

The scene ended. Turning the note over I saw another hint.

'the truth is in the dark.'

Before I could think about it the torches went out. "This is becoming stupid." I hissed looking for something that could be seen at all. Then I saw a slight glow on Rasshin's grave. There was a panel that I could pull out if I dug my nails in it. "How did I miss this?" I muttered as I pried it open to find another note. I touched it knowing full well whatever it shows will be horrific. 

"Leia... are you okay?" Leia seemed suddenly dazed. She opened her mouth, and her voice was raspy. "He said... to kill...yo...." As she whispered the last word she pulled a knife from the cushion she was leaning on. She took all of them out. The last one left was Rasshin, but he was paralyzed. Leia laughed as she raised the knife. Then Rasshin pushed her away, knocking the knife to the floor by her feet. The mist rose up again choking Leia in constant pain. Rasshin took the knife and shortly after, Leia stood. "I-III-I-I-I-IIIIIIIII caaaaaan-n-n-n't ssss-t-t-t-t-ooo-ooo-p" "Leia! please, just return to yourself!" Rasshin begged with tearful eyes. Leia shook her head in a string of choppy motions. "I caaan-n-n-n-n-n't.... pleeeeasssse.... Kill me.." my vision seemed to darken as I saw him stabbing Leia, but the darkness seeped from her wound, whispering. 'you didn't finish the job Leia...' before sinking into Rasshin.

I pulled back and slammed the compartment closed. "Did you see it?" I whipped around to see Leia again. "Y-you... Got possessed and killed them?"  She nodded solemnly. "Since I'm no longer alive and my job was not finished the darkness entered him." I shook in terror. "There are ways to get rid of him, but we would need to plan accordingly." 

I heard the footsteps as he crept down the stairs. "Maaaiiii... I think it's time to start our little game." I could see it now. The darkness around him.  He grinned. "Lets do a little chase. I'm going to try to kill your friends, you do whatever you can to stop me. This isn't an offer. Ready... Set.... Run!" He disappeared.

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