Good End?

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I breathed heavily as I opened the door to the main room, to see Rasshin with the clock hand pointed to Naru's neck, while the rest of SPR watched tensely. "STOP IT RASSHIN!" I shouted to make my presence known to him. "Oh, Mai! So good to see you join us! Just in time to see your friends die." The malice in his voice was thicker than honey.

I just need to buy time. 

"Don't do it." I hissed. "You can't stop me. Even if you did have a chance, how much would you bet that you could reach him before the knife?" He muttered "I've done it before." "I didn't see you coming before. This time I do." He countered smoothly. 

How much more?

 "They're going to die, Mai." "Maybe the one to die today is going to be you." "Is that a fact or premonition? Your face gives away lies you know."

Please hurry!

"I've had enough of this game." I complained. "You've done too much to back down now, Mai." His grin gave way to infinite malice. "Let's start our final chapter, shall we?" 

I grit my teeth. Why do I have to play this game alone? I let out a slow breath and clasped my hands together by my chest. He watched me and I eyed him carefully in return as he got ready to strike. Then I saw a fleeting shadow, and heard an subtle creak.

A grin made it's way to my face as the door opened again behind me. 

"Well, looks like I win" The raspy voice whispered with me.

The knife clattered to the floor as Rasshin stared at us. "Leia..." I felt the warmth of my counterpart's arms wrapping around my waist. "You were seeking the wrong 'demon' friend." Leia snickered. She pulled away from me and picked up the knife. "We're done with this game. But, first..." She slowly turned towards Rasshin. "You're up next, and last one to face the monster referred to as 'it'"

I jolted myself awake. The first thing I noticed was the orange light of the sun peaking through the window. That woke me right up. "Morning!" I exclaimed happily. "Well Mai, you finally saw another morning." Leia said as she sat on my bed. "You got lucky. Normally the dark art of resurrection requires more sacrifice, but your experiences with Rasshin fulfilled any requirements." "yeah, all I had to sacrifice was my sanity." i muttered bitterly. "Ah- How will we explain your sudden appearance?" I asked. "I'm just gonna sneak away, though I really don't have place to stay... Maybe I can stay in your place! I already know where it is since we're connected now." I groaned. "Fine. We'll figure out what to do from there." Leia giggled and slid out the window. "See ya, Mai." I wave back and stood from the bed. I should be having a visitor soon. A knock soon came to the door. 

"Mai? Oh, you're awake! We're making breakfast, if you want to join us."

 I smiled at John. "Yeah, let's go."

And so ended my nights of pain.


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