First Day Of School

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"Wake up Aliyah Or you'll be late for school!" My mum says in Urdu While pulling the blanket off of me. "Mum five more minutes!" I say slightly moaning. " I want you up now! your brother and sister are already up and getting ready." I get off of my bed opening the curtains while streaching and yawning. oh yeah I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Aliyah Syed. I just moved in Toronto. I now go to a Islamic School starting this year. I didint like the Public schools , they seem a bit too much for me. I wonder how an islamic school is like, probabily islamic lol. Im am going to grade 10 this year Which is awesome. I have

two siblings. My sister Maria is going to grade 8. and My brother Hamzah who is going to grade 12 . We all have a two year difference. And then theres my mum and dad which are always talking about my brother Hamzah's wedding, which gets so irritating , like seriously what about mine?! Iv always been fascinated with this so called Marriage. I'v heard alot about The prophet Muhammad (saw) and his blessed wives relationship and alway thought it was really cute mashAllah. I've always wanted to get married, but it seemed like my parents were more exited for Hamzah. Now anyways Lets get back to where we were. I went to the bathroom looking at myself. I looked Misrable. I quickly showered feeling fresh and went to the Dining room seeing my brother eating in a rush. Maria was sitting at the Dining table looking at Hamzah and laughing. I sit down Beside Maria. " Can't you just eat in peace for once Hamzah" i say. " When your in grade 12 theres no such thing as peace little sis" He said patting my head. "you ruined my hijab jerk!" i said running to towards the mirror and quickly fix it. I come back seeing Maria already finished her Breakfast and is about to leave. "Maria can i talk to you" i said sitting in the dining chair eating. "sure Aliyah Api just make it quick im late" she said. " i think You should start wearing a hijab now, your mature now" i said. Maria looks at me then looks away "im not ready for that yet." I sigh and say " Alright Maria, but when you do feel like you are dont feel shy , put it on and see how amazing you look. Maria smiles wide then leaves. I finish eating and go get ready. Our School Uniform is a plain black abaya, with any color scarf. I wore a black hijab with my plain black abaya and grab my jansport . I go downstairs waiting for the bus. When the bus arrived, the bus driver was wearing a white thobe with a imama. i found it fascinating. i said my salaams to the bus driver and he replayed back. I looked around for a seat. i saw an empty seat beside a girl who was wearing a purple hijab. " um Asalaam u Alaikum may i sit here if you dont mind?" The girl looked away from the window towards me with a sweet smile on her face. "sure have a seat! Whats your name?" "Im Aliyah, What about you?" I said while taking a seat beside the girl. "My names Iqra, Hey are you Arab?" I smile " I was born in Saudia Arabia But my family backround is Pakistan." I said. "oh wow MashAllah Im Pakistani too!" We ended up talking about stuff till we reached the school. It seemed pretty small but Alhamdulillah i didint mind. We sat down While the princible finished the morning duaa, MashAllah what a duaa it was! After the duaa we all got the books we've needed. After 4 hours of Alimah course ( Islamic Knowledge classes) we had lunch. I sat down with Iqra, then two other girls came and joined us. "Asalaam u Alaikum, Im Samira!" Said the one with pretty blue eyes to me. " Walaikum Salaam, Im Aliyah!" "and im Laika!" Said the Tall pretty one. I Smiled and greeted her with Salaam. We all talked and ate during the lunch period. Alhamdulillah I learned alot about them, like Samira is afgan and laika is gujrati. we were all the same age. and they live in the same area as i did Alhamdulillah! After Lunch we all gatherd for Math. It was quiet boring, but the teacher was amazingly sweet. After Business and History school ended.Time passed really fast while i was with Iqra, Samira, and Laika. MashAllah. We all had the same similarities. We talked through the entire Bus ride. I said my salaams to them and the bus driver and headed home. I was pretty excited, that i met amazing new friends. InshAllah we will bond quite well Through The year.


Authors Note: Asalaam U Alaikum! Im Sorry if this chapter was little, I just started. I cant wait to see how this ends up InshAllah. By the way, yes this is based on a real story but its slightly different, like the names and etc. But InshAllah Please leave down Messages of how it was and message me on some idea's i would love to here some of your ideas :) ~Dania

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