The enormous misunderstanding

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It was Wednesday and that day Debby had Technology. Her feet were shaking from anger and anxienty.
She walked inside hoping to find her Cathy and the others.(poor thing)
Unfortunately she bumped into the girls with whom they were teammates.
Sophie: What is that Debby?
Julia: It looks like the experiment in the book. Is it for technology?
D: Yes I was working on it very hard and if you want I can explain what's happening and all stuff .
S&J: No thank you, you smartass, arrogant kid.
Debby didn't stay there and ran immediately to  class to find Cathy.
Cathy: Is this your experiment?
D: well yes.
C:and what's the problem you don't look so okay?
D:well they called me smartass and arrogant because I did it myself.
C: Don't give so much attention just be patient and it will be okay.
D: I guess you're right. What else can go wrong?( me: wait and see)
It was time for Technology and Debby unfortunately told her teacher that she had done her work. He yelled at her because he didn't give orders to do that thing yet and he explained the same things again. Time passed... and everyone went home...

The handsome and the tomboy ( part three)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora