The worst image

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After a few days the other teams presented their presentations Debby was insecure about if she was going to make it. Her parents agreed to help her so did Chris but she needed to relax because Christmas holidays were going to start.
The first week of holidays Debby did absolutely nothing and went to visit her cousins, which was a nice visit and right afterwards she spoke with one of them till one pm. All was going so smoothly when...
One day while Debby was playing the guitar a tremendous noise hit her ears like a bullet from a gun,she rushed inside the kitchen only to find that her mother was laying on the floor full with blood. She couldn't believe in her eyes she tried to make her mother come around ,but nothing ,she had now passed away...
Her parents were divorced so her father wouldn't care so much. But she had something to do to calm herself so she called Angie and told her everything Angie believed her because it was neither april fools nor she was holding a prank, because she knew that Debby would never pull a prank on her so she requested her mother to go at Debby's place to check on her  sister-bestie.
When she arrived she saw Debbie above her mother's corpse murmuring something
Debbie: why this had to happen I have to-.*notices she's behind with her mother and both of them are shocked too*.
Angie: I'm a step further. And sorry for your loss.
Debbie: Thanks and I don't think that my father will accept me now.
A: why not?
D:Last time he said that under any circumstances he wouldn't take care of me.
A: then you can stay with me.😊
D: I wish things were so simple but it has to be a relative of mine to take care of me now.
A: I understand. At least you'll be near my house right?
D: the only relatives that would accept me are my cousins and aunt !
A: And why not anyone else?
D: because they're the only ones that have both finished school and one of them has a job.
A: I understand.Will you be near us ?
D: No their house is one hour from here.
D: I will contact you every day don't worry.
A: promise?
D: Of course baka me(those japanese are the best)
A: Ano debbie baka (again here)
Both: haha
Angie leaves...
D: I have to contact them .
Debbie grabs her phone and gives a call to her cousin Konstantine and tells him everything with a trembling voice.
K: okay calm down we're coming
D: Okay
One hour later...
Bell rings... Debbie opens and...
K: Must have been tough for you
G: No it must have been funny!
H: Don't argue ,now debbie calm down and explain what happened.
D: O-okay
After explaining for the second time...
K: Well we're the only ones that are close to you ,so why don't we take her to our care?
G: Good idea but we have to do something else first *whispers in aunt's ear*
H: Okay got it, debbie get your stuff and you guys help her
Both: okay
Debbie packed her guitar and gave it to George, she knew that she couldn't play with the team anymore so she started packing her clothes, when she finished she gave it to Konstantine and all of them went to their house .
Debbie was listening to music trying to forget but unfortunately that horrific image was about to stay in both her mind and heart forever...

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