The Break Up

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Debbie was absent from school for two weeks until she appeared one day with her eldest cousin George and went to the principal's office.
After explaining he agreed with George's proposal.
They then left and went to their house.
G: I will take you to your school tomorrow okay?; for now rest.
D: Okay but we also have to delay my basketball lessons since I am so far away and you can't drop me there.
G: Okay we will go tomorrow to take care of that;now rest.
Debbie was playing with her guitar to calm down when...
D: stupid phone; Hello?
C: It's me Chris
D: Ah Chris; sorry I haven't appeared in ages.
C: It's okay and I want us to break up .
D: What?
C: Look I'm just a playboy and you're way too good for me and also I eavesdropped while that man beside you was talking so I know that we won't be together so...
D: You're breaking up with me over a text message and dare say that you heard what my cousin was talking about with the principal;and not only that; you say that you're a playboy and that I'm too good for you. Look I knew that you had a girlfriend I saw  you kissing when I was going for a walk with my best friend so don't tell me that I'm too good for you . And you know what enjoy her kisses. Good bye.(me: bravo my girl you shutted his mouth well🙏🙏🙏)
C: Good bye
After that Debbie deleted his number and she played consecutively for two hours to relax.
Later she saw an anime series to forget about him she regretted it so much that she had slept with him three times!!!
When it was bed time her aunt said to put her pajamas and go to sleep with her at her room as there was the only bed that fitted both of them.
Debby changed and went to sleep...

And that's the end of our trilogy there won't be any more of it but stay alert because a new book it's going to be released soon
Love you guys and see you in next book.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2019 ⏰

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