I no longer envy!

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(Mel in the photo)

The first 4 lessons were as usual, although no! Not at all as usual !!
All these 4 lessons, all my class looked at this new one! And at recess, everyone surrounded Claire, and began to question her, where did she come from? Where to dress? How did such a cool manicure do? Where did her hair do?
And I, what am I? I just sat on the sidelines, looked at all ....
Not! I'm not jealous! Little pins! Just ... I just got used to glory! Well ... I mean ... No! I am a bad man! I envy black envy!
And I'm also the headman. I feel so ashamed! I will no longer envy! Here I'll go myself and ask how she made such a cool hairstyle!
I went to the newcomer and asked.
- E .. Hi) And how did you do this hair?
- I? - Claire asked.
- Uh ... Yes. I just liked your hair! - I explained.
- Ah, well ... I did my hair in expensive salons! - She said it in such a voice! As if she is the only one, can do hair in expensive salons! I was filled with anger !!
- Ah, in expensive salons! - I said rolling my eyes.
- Well ... Do you always do your own hair at home? - this new girl asked in a haughty voice!
- No not always! Do you wake up every day at 5 am, and stomp at an expensive hair salon? - I asked the same voice!
- No, firstly, I have a healthy lifestyle, I go to a maximum of 10, and wake up at 6. And secondly, I do not "stomp" myself, I have a personal driver! - Claire smiled a winning smile!
- Oh, and I think that only small children go to bed at 10! Therefore, I go to bed like a normal person at 12! - I tried to smile, the same smile!
- Hmm ... So you're so sleepy ...
- And not what is not sleepy!
- Oh well...
- You know? And you are not good either! - It escaped from me!
- What?! - Claire asked in a furious voice! I was not even a lot scary!
The call saved me! ...
The remaining 3 lessons, Claire looked at me with piercing eyes!
She was very angry with me! But she first started !!
All the lessons ended, I went out, and as usual I went to the dining room ... But then a voice stopped me.
- Rough! So after all your name? - Claire asked, I did not want to talk to her!
- Yes, my name is Raf. So what?
- No, nothing. Are you going to the dining room?
- Yes, I always go there after school! - I explained.
- Oh. m) Can I go with you? - Claire asked, to be honest, I did not want her to take with me! But what could I say?
- Uh ... Yes, well, let's go.
- Thank! - She smiled with such a sweet smile!
- 😊- I smiled back.
We walked into the dining room silently. When we arrived, she asked.
- And what will you order?
- I do not know...
- Hmm ... Me too. Let's go sit there! - Claire showed on the table by the window, it was a table of 11 graders! No one, never dared to sit in their place, and I'm 9-grader, so I also could not sit there!
- Not! You what This is a table of 11 graders!
- So what? They are not yet!
- You do not understand! At their tables, never sit down at all!
- Why? - not as Claire did not understand.
- Yes, because! You can get from them! - I almost screamed.
- Aa, although strange!
- Yeah ...
- Well, okay, then sit down here. - This time, she showed up at my favorite table, it was not far from the table of 11 graders, at the door to the dining room!
- Hmm ... And where is the menu? Claire asked.
- What is the menu? - I did not understand, I asked.
- Well, how what? There should be a menu! And why the waitress does not suit us? And then forgot to include music!
- What are you ?? We're in Claire's school cafeteria! Not in the cafe! - looking at her like a fool I said.
- Stop! I know that we are in the school cafeteria! But here there should be a menu, a waitress and music! - Standing on her, Claire said.
- you what? At school has never been ??
- I was just! And you probably do not! "Claire protected herself."
- Eh, I really do not know in what school you studied before, but in this school there is such a dining room, where there is no menu, no waitresses, no music! - I explained to Claire.
- Hmm ... Strange dining you have!
- Yeah ...
- Okay, I will survive somehow! Then tell me where is the food to take?
- There. "I showed Claire where to get food."
- Good! - having said this, she left.
After 4 minutes, she comes up with a rosacheranny, angry, puzzled face! Behind him grunts are heard.
- There was a sissy here! Serve a double cappuccino cheeseburger!
- What happened? - Frightened, I asked.
- What a stupid dining you have! "Claire spoke almost tearfully."
- They consider me a sissy! - our sissy continued to complain.
- They even have no cappuccino! I'll go to a normal cafe! - With these words, she came out of our dining room.
Probably went to a cafe - I thought .....


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