Oops! I did it again

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Seto grins. He bounces on the balls of his feet, watching for a change in expression from anyone. True frowns, Lox stares blankly, and Sky faces slightly the wrong direction, blindfold on and an oblivious smile across his face. Seto shakes the bottle in his hand again, causing the neon green sludge to shift with a gross glump.

"So...you did what? I don't think I follow," True says slowly. Loxtakes a step closer to Seto.

"Zombie smoothie! So, like, you can come back to life! I'm not gonna use it of course, but it's neat to have!" He jumps up onto the table, causing glass jars to roll. Lox catches them.

"Thatis a bad idea in every possible way." Lox places the jars back onthe table with a soft whirring.

The four had known one another for a while. Seto had lived in the area when True bought the farm, and they began trading favors. Seto would help with the harvest in exchange for food, True would help in the bogs in exchange for pete. When Sky showed up, True took him in,asking far fewer question than Seto (who had salvaged the wreckage they found upon Sky's entrance) and instead teaching him to help around he house. Despite two helping hands, True had never felt he had enough free time. He spent late nights working in the barn,messing with wires and gears and trying to make something new. Lox was the result.

"Oh c'mon! It's not like I'm gonna use it. I'm not stupid. And it was an accident! I'm not planning on ending the world or anything like that," Seto insists. Sky frowns.

"Ending the world? That sounds... not good. Maybe you should pour it out somewhere. Get rid of it." Seto sighs and jumps down from the table.

"Really guys? So True and built a robot- no offense Lox you're great- but I can't make one little zombie virus without being the bad guy? I saidI wasn't gonna use it!" he presses. Lox crosses his arms and True sighs. Sky turns, finally realizing he's not facing the rest of the group.

"Seto, it's not really you that's the problem. What if someone found out?You're a good guy, but there are some awful people out there! Someone else might want to use this for power- you basically made a smoothie of biological warfare!" True explains desperately. Set sighs, shaking the bottle one final time.

"Okay, okay, you're right. But come on, we have an android, a sorcerer, a programmer and a... Sky, all living in the same place. No one has tried to take over yet! We're basically off the grid. What could go wrong?" He smiles cheerfully, placing the sludge in a chest full of other strange glowing jars and shutting it. True lets out a deep breath and Sky jumps at the sound.

"Okay, good. Now that we have that sorted, want to come over for dinner? Sky's not cooking." Sky makes a face and crosses his arms, turning the completely wrong direction to face True. Lox slowly rests a hand on his shoulder to redirect him.

"Hey!It's not my fault! I can cook good when I know where everything is! You'll see!" he whines. Seto laughs, pulling a scarf off a nearby chair.

"Sure we will. C'mon, I wanna steal your food," Seto pipes.

"AndI'm running low on battery," Lox adds, the green in his headphones shifting to red.

"AndI don't want to carry the android again," Sky mumbles.

And so our heroes set off, dinner in mind, unaware of the absolute chaos about to change their lives forever. 

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