Chapter 10 - Screaming and Spice Girls

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"Seto what did you do?!" Sky screams. Seto looks back, brushing ash off his clothes. 
"What? They were already dead. I should burn the whole building down-" he raises his hands, violet sparks forming, but True runs over and hugs him, pinning his arms down. Seto seizes up, then relaxes. 

"Or... Or I could seal it." Seto adds quietly, "Nothing goes in, nothing goes out." True nods, letting go of Seto. With a more graceful, less chaotic sweep, the building starts to softly glow. The doors shut, any cracks or gaps glowing slightly brighter. Seto turns around and looks at True, who is now staring at the ground, tears dripping off his face. 

"True? Oh gods- True I didn't mean to scare you-"
"You didn't. Let's go." 
"Then what-"
"I WANT TO GO HOME!" Seto steps back, Sky ducks behind the car, and even Lox looks surprised. True stomps his foot on the pavement, making a less than dramatic "pap" sound. 

"I want to go home. I want to go home, and sleep in my bed, and feed the pigs, and work on stupid shit no one cares about in the barn! I don't want to drive into any more scary voids, or-or loose any more fingers, or watch you blow anything up! I want to go HOME! I don't want zombies, or jellyfish, or any other crazy thing you're going to do! I want to look at the stars with Sky, I want to drag Lox out of the pond and make fun of him for getting a fish stuck in his wires, I want to cook with you and laugh and I want tit to be okay I want to GO HOME!" True yells. When he stops, he's shaking. Vision blurry with tears, he storms over to the car and gets in the passenger's seat. Seto stands, stunned, trying to process what just happened. Sky slowly pulls his blindfold back over his eyes, crawling back into the back seat as quietly as he can. Lox sighs. 

"C'mon, Seto. I'm going to take a wild guess and say it's time to go home." Seto nods, lagging behind Lox as they go back to the car. 

The next few hours are silent. Everyone stays pretty sure everyone else is asleep, but is too anxious to say anything. True fails to hide his quiet crying, eventually falling asleep around sunrise. Sky follows suit not long after. Seto can't get himself to sleep, and Lox keeps driving. It's not until around midday they stop again. Lox pulls over in a familiar field of flowers. Seto's out of the car before Lox has the chance to wake up True. 

Of course Seto is surprised when True sits down next to him. 

"I'm sorry for yelling," True says quietly. Seto shrugs. He has woven some wildflowers together, something to keep his hands busy. 
"You're tired. Sorry for getting kidnapped."
"Not your fault."
"A little bit my fault."
"Okay, yeah. I forgive you for being kidnapped."
"I forgive you for yelling." 

They sit in silence for another minute before True leans on Seto's shoulder. 

"We almost got robbed here."
"Yeah. On our way to get you. Some guy drew a knife on Sky and I. Lox hit 'em over the head."

More silence. 

"You're stupid."
"You're stupid." 
True laughs. Seto continues weaving flowers. 

Sky sits on the hood of the car, soaking in sunlight. Lox leans against the door, tossing a pebble and catching it again, over and over and over. Sky taps his fingers to the rhythm. One, two, one two, throw, catch, throw, catch. 

Lox looks out, watching for anyone coming again. With Seto here, they were in even less danger than before, but still, Sky and True could have gotten hurt. Then again, those idiots were always getting hurt. One day, he might just give up on it all. 

It's concerning, being an android in a world where Isaac Asimov doesn't exist. 

"Hey Sky, time to get moving again?" Lox asks, letting the rock fall to the ground. Sky looks slightly disappointed at his lack of music. 
"Can I turn on the radio?" Sky asks. Lox sighs, but doesn't answer. Sky takes this as a yes, jumping down from the hood to claim shotgun. 

Seto finishes weaving his flowers, holding the strand for a moment. True leans against him, tired eyes dulled. He ties the ends, shifting to gently lay the flower crown on True's head. True smiles, letting Seto pull them both to their feet. Lox stands by the car, waving them over. True lets out a heavy sigh, sinking against Seto's side, so Seto scoops him up, walking them both over to the car. Unfortunately, Sky's claim to the radio makes the rest of the day's driving seem less than calm. 

"Yoooo I'll tell you what I want what I really really want-!" Sky sings at the top of his lungs. Isaac Asimov might not exist, but the Spice Girls are eternal. Seto groans, putting True in the car and sinking back against the seats. Lox gives a small smile, but still bats Sky;s hand away from turning the volume up to an 11. 

The next hour goes pretty smoothly, considering it's four guys trapped in a car where only one has supreme power over the radio. Sky, for one, enjoys it immensely. To distract themselves from Sky, Seto starts talking about cooking. He talks about a new cake recipe he found, and True chimes in with frosting tips. For an hour, Sky jams out, Lox is entertained by Sky's car dancing, True talks about cooking, and Seto gets to watch as some flower petals come loose and stick to True's hair. 

It's all fun and games until they hit a corpse with the car. 

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