Chapter Three - Let's Get This Party Starteeeed!

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It had seemed so simple. Go to Seto's house, raid anything that might help, then drive to where he was and bust him out, saving him and possibly the world in one heroic, dramatic swoop.

The reality... was not so showy. The trio had gathered up Seto's book, thrown all the granola bars and a spare battery into True's car, and made it two miles before realizing they had no idea where to go.

"Turn right."
"It sounded like they flew to the right."
"But we've turned several times already."
"What's to the right of our house? Lox?"
"North, Great, let me just take out my compass that I keep in my car. Because I totally have one of those."
"Sky, I'm kidding. And pulling over," True sighs, turning on his flashers and drifting off to the side of the road. Lox frowns.

"There wasn't anyone behind you. You didn't need the flashers," he comments. True turns around and looks at him. Sky and Lox sit in the back seat, Lox looking bored and Sky extremely lost. Despite the fact they had really only just started driving, they duo was already starting to get on True's nerves. He takes a deep breath.

"Sorry. I'm stressed. I've never had to go on a rescue mission, unless that time the pigs got out counts-"
"That counts."

"Thanks, Sky. I'm trying to take this calm just- how to we find him? I don't want to abandon him but... I don't know." He turns back to the front and puts his head in his hands. Sky, upon realizing it's gotten much quieter, frowns sympathetically. Lox shrugs.

"I dunno. I mean, they took all his shit, right? The super dangerous stuff? Why don't we just look for signs of compete chaos and disaster and follow that?" Sky smiles, hopeful, but True turns back around looking stressed.

"I mean, yeah, that could work, but everything has been fine! What kind of chaos should we look out for?" Lox clears his throat and nods ahead of them.

"Uh. How about that?"

True spins around in time to watch a somewhat small spiraling vortex grow to the size of a small house at the end of the road. The sky gets darks, and the previously still air picks up. True pales, and Sky risks a peek from under his blindfold.

"Oh. Fuck," he whispers. Trees start swaying in the wind, leaves and branches getting sucked into the spiraling vortex. He more that gets pulled in, the bigger it gets... and closer.

"Uh, yeah, we're not chasing that. Put your seatbelts on!" True orders. Sky, fully aware of how dark it's getting, ties his blindfold up around his head. True throws the car in reverse, causing Lox and Sky to get pushed into the seats in front of them. Birds start flying from trees, seeing the destruction now rising on the road, only to be sucked in as well. True pulls the wheel hand over hand, pulling a very illegal u-turn in the street and hitting the gas, making his two passengers fall back to their seats.

"Holy shit, True, are you trying to kill us?!" Lox yells. Sky holds onto the side of the car for dear life as they speed off down the street.

"One of you, find Seto's book! This better be something he did!" True yells. Lox pulls it out from under the seats and stars flipping through the pages as Sky turns back, watching as the dark vortex grows closer.

"Hurry up! Aaaaaa!"
"You're not helping me drive!"
"How the fuck did Seto have time to make all these?! They aren't even in alphabetical order!"

True swerves the car, avoiding a tree branch flying up the road. Sky screams again, and Lox hits him with the book. 

"Shut! Up! Shut! Up! I'm! Trying! To! Find!- Oh here it is." Lox holds up the book, but when True almost crashes trying to see it, he takes it back. 

"Right. Don't read that. Um... Okay, so this is a giant vortex in a bottle. If you break the bottle, the vortex eats up everything in its path. The more you resist it, the stronger it gets," Lox summarizes. True curses. 

"Great! How do we stop it then?! It just destroys everything?!" 
"It doesn't say."
"What do you mean it doesn't say we're going to die!
"It just doesn't say."
"Great! Any ideas?! Sky?!" 

Sky frowns, looking out the back window again as the dark mass gaining on True's tiny trashy car. Lox closes the book. 

"You have an idea." 
"I think we should drive into it." 
"You think we should what?

Sky shrugs. Lox puts his head in his hands, then smacks the side of his headphones. The lights die and he slumps forward. True feels him hit the seat and glances back in the rearview. 

"What d- did the just turn himself off?! I didn't even say I was going to do it! Oh just- We're going to die. We. Are about to die. It's been nice knowing you." Once again, True turns the wheel hand over hand, causing the poor car to screech on the pavement, and drives full speed into the vortex. At the last second, he pulls his hands from the steering wheel and reaches back, where Sky grabs his hand, and everything goes dark....

...then light. Sky yelps and pulls his blindfold down again as True lifts his foot off the gas. The dark swirl dissipates, and the car eases to a stop. A few confused birds and several bits of trees are scattered around the area. True takes a deep breath, sinking back into his seat. 

"That... shouldn't have worked. That should not have worked. Oh no. Please say that'll be the worst we're going to deal with..." 

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