Chapter One - Good Times Don't Last

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Sleeping over at True's turned out to be less fun than anticipated for Seto. Sure, it was exciting to be in a different place, and sure, there were benefits to having a friend that bought the nice fruit snacks and told you to take as many as you wanted, but there were cons. Those cons were named Lox and Sky.

Seto turns, trying to ignore the bright white glow fading brighter and dimmer like a heartbeat in the corner of the room. He was half temped to unplug Lox, just so he would stop lighting up the room, but couldn't bring himself to. True said he only needed to charge overnight, and usually, that was acceptable. Usually there wasn't anyone to see the white "I'm charging!" light. Lox was deactivated, slumped against the wall like a corpse. This didn't help the sleepless Seto.

Sky also hadn't helped. Just as the sun went down and Seto was ready to pass out for the next several hours, Sky seemed to have hit some sort of sugar high. Seto lay on the couch, pillow over his head, while Sky ran back and forth, cleaning, sweeping, dusting, and reorganizing the house. The gold glow had caught Seto off guard. It had been a while since he had seen Sky's eyes. Solid gold with two glowing marks under each. True found he was light sensitive and suggested the blindfold,but now Seto was wondering if he was just meant to be nocturnal.Either way, by the time the clock struck three and Sky went off to sleep, Seto had never been more awake.

Sighing again, Seto sits up. He looks at Lox, trying to decide what to do,before taking his blanket and throwing it across the room, dimming the light. It's a minor improvement, but it also leaves him blanketless. Seto sighs again, louder this time, and throws himself onto the couch like a weight, attempting to find joy in the light bounce. Finally, after hours of disruptions, he begins to close his eyes...

And hears a crashing outside the house.

Trues its up in bed upon hearing the screech of metal on pavement and Seto loudly swearing downstairs. He gets up, almost running into an equally alarmed Sky as they both attempt to leave their rooms. Sky gets downstairs first, followed quickly by True, and they both rush into the living room to find Seto standing on the couch and bright lights blaring through the curtains. Sky yelps and covers his face,backing up, and True runs over to the window to see what could possibly be happening.

"I'm just trying to sleep! What! They heck!" Seto yells, waving a pillow around angrily. True frowns, peering through the curtains.

"Yeah, yeah... um. Seto?"
"There are weird trucks outside."
"They're going to your house."

Seto lowers the pillow and slowly steps down from the couch, walking over to the window as well. Outside, he sees two white vans with shaded windows, several people dressed in black, and overhead, a helicopter shines a light down on the bog. Seto's eyes get big as he sees metal scrap has been dragged into the street, showing what the crashing had been.

"That's Sky's ship. They're stealing the ship! That's mine now!" Seto exclaims. True looks worried.
"How did they know..? Who are these people?"
"Well yeah b-but- wait, isn't that you box of accidents?"

Seto gasps, watching as the men in black carry out the large crate he had placed his zombie smoothie in just hours before. Before True can grab him, Seto runs from the window and out the door. True and Sky chase after him, Sky lagging behind once the spotlights hit.

"Hey! That's mine! What's going on here?!" Seto yells. The two holding the box don't stop, but one of the truck drivers lifts a radio to speak.
"Seto, back up!" True yells. The helicopter blades drone out his words, and Seto flexes his wrists, igniting violet flames.
"Don't steal my stuff! I worked hard on those! Youdon't even know what they do!" Seto swipes a hand through the air, causing one of the men carrying the box to suddenly have an unfortunate case of fire-pants. The spotlight veers from the workers to Seto, who realizes that bringing attention to himself might not have been the best plan on action.

"Seto, get over here! You're not safe!" True urges. Seto glances back,frowning and trying to catch what he's saying as a net is dropped from the helicopter and onto him. Clearly, no one thought this plan through, as the net promptly catches fire. Seto claws his way out of the net, angry and swearing, as more mystery men run out of one of the vans to finish pulling Seto's danger box and stolen aircraft debris in. True runs forward to help Seto out of the burning net only to be tripped by spaceship wreckage. Two of the men also run in Seto's direction, and as they do, one throws something small to the ground. It hits, exploding with white smoke and disrupting everyone's vision.

When the smoke clears, True is laying alone on the pavement. Char marks scar the ground around him and the air smells like smoke as Sky runs to help him up. The sounds of helicopter blades fades, leaving them alone, in the dark, and robbed of Seto. True calls Seto's phone only to find it on the couch. Sky makes his way back to Seto's home,returning just before sunrise to inform only of chaos. The house remains quiet as they try to process the events of the night, until a faint whirring rises from the side of the room. The light under the blanket Seto had discarded earlier blinks from white to green, and Lox pushes the sheet off of him.
"Hey guys, didn't mean to die on you. Anyway, you were saying- wait. Did something happen?" Lox frowns, taking in the dull faces and unusually quiet house. Sky tries to smile hopefully as True sinks his face into his hands.
"Yeah. Yeah something happened. C'mon, I'm going to make breakfast, then we're all going to go save Seto."


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