Welcome Home part 1

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Alexis-Jade POV:
I took a deep breath. The cool crisp summer air of the night swarmed around me and caused my hair to blow a little. I looked at the time on my phone and it read 11:24. I slipped it into my pocket and walked into the Cabernet that my mom had owned and worked in since I could remember.

The mature environment and the loud music surrounded me as I looked around for a place to sit. As I looked around I could hear my mother on the mic singing a song. Her favorite thing to do. once I sat my things down in a place closet to the front, I went to order something to eat.

"Alright let's keep the energy moving this Black Velvet Monday! Now we have some..." I could hear my mom start to announce but she stopped. I looked over at the stage and that was it. She'd seen me. I could tell by the tears welling into her eyes. I waved toward her and smiled a slight smile very similar to the one she's known for. She shed a slight tear and tried to catch herself.

"Forgive me y'all but I believe there's someone here to see me." She said as she wiped the tears on her face that were starting to come more rapidly.

"There's a painting in here I had dedicated to her. She's the light of my life and she's truly grown up right before my eyes, and I do believe God blessed her as well with the voice of an absolute angel. Lexy will you please come up here." She sniffled still in disbelief that she was actually seeing me again for the first time in God knows how long.

I took a deep breath and walked onto the stage and stood next to my mom. "Hi mama.." I said as I smiled and gave her a hug. I could feel her grip on me getting tighter and her tear drops hitting my exposed shoulders. She really missed me.

I watched her wipe her face as she released me from her grips. She smiled and left me on the stage alone staring down the mic and the crowd in front of me. I turned toward the band or "hot chocolate" as they're often referred too and exchanged words with them about the song I would sing.

"Hi everyone my names Alexis-Jade but as you can tell my nickname is Lexy and it's pretty obvious who my mom is. She's owned this club and a few others since I was a child but this one is about as old as I am... anyways ma this song is for you mama. Thank you for letting your butterfly spread her wings."

I cued the band and began to sing one of my mothers all time favorite songs "Pretty wings" by Maxwell. I sang the song with all my heart, every so often I'd see my mom wipe her eyes.

Once I finished singing my mother joined me on the stage once again. "Forgive me and my emotions but y'all this is my baby all my parents out there y'all know this feeling of emotions." She stated as she wiped some more tears and hugged me once more. Her hugs were always so warm and loving to me.

"Alright alright now y'all it's still Black Velvet Monday so let's keep the ball rolling..." as she announced the next act and welcomed them to the stage before coming to sit back down with me. As she was making her way the waiter finally came with my drink and the food I ordered.

"Wow a Shirley temple with a slice of lime and a cherry...You still drink those?" My mom asked as she watched me twirl my straw around in the fuchsia colored drink before taking a sip.

"You remember that" I responded as I looked up with a slight smile on my face.

"What of course those times I'd bring you to the clubs when your dad was away plus any and everywhere we'd take you that's what you'd order a Shirley temple with the lime wedge and a cherry then you'd sit all proper and pretend you were a big girl."  She laughed as she mimicked a younger version of me with her glass of water.

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