Preview For Metroid Prime 4: The TUSM Stories

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"I made this for you. I never wanted you to leave, but since there's no choice, here's something to remember us by."

"Thank you." Just as he puts on the bracelet, those creatures come in.

"Get in!! We'll hold off these Space Pirates!" He enters the machine.

"I'll miss you big sis." She set the co-ordinates and the time capsule takes off. His remaining family members eliminate the Space Pirates in their quarters. They put on their Power Suits.

"Let's go!" They leave the residence. Outside, there's an absolute war going on. The Space Pirates versus the Zebesians. There were thousands of blasts, hundreds of explosions, and plenty of casualties.

"Well, come on!" They enter the fray. They start firing numerous shots at the enemies. Utilizing all of their weaponry, they eliminate pirate after pirate. Dodging numerous blasts, they continue pressing through, eradicating anything in their way. Just behind them, there's a large explosion. It's followed by a scream.

"Dad!!" the sister shouts.

"I'm OK. Keep pushing!!"

"Are you sure?" the mother asks.

"Yes, I'm fine. GO!!" Just like those classic films. Never gets old...right? Please say yes.
They look around to find the source of the blast. There are two fighter ships in the air.

"Use your Ice Beam!" They fire two blasts at the aircraft and they are immediately frozen over. They fall from the sky and shatter upon impact on the ground.

"Nice shooting." A Space Pirate charges at one of the Zebesians from behind. They're holding a plasma sword. Using what is known as the Grappling Beam, the sister grabs onto the pirate and throws it up into the air. Then, it is destroyed by Missiles coming from numerous directions.

"Thanks!!" the guy yells. Suddenly, he lets out a moan. He then falls to the ground.

"What was that?" the sister asks.

"...They're invisible. Use your heat visor." The heat visor can track enemies using heat sensitive finding stuff. I don't know the technical terms. They activate the visor and see lots of red pirates, one of which is heading toward them.

"Look out!!" The mother is hit before either can react. The sister shoots the Space Pirate with a charged up Ice Beam and he is instantly frozen. She shoots it with a Missile and the ice breaks. She sees if her mother is OK.

"I'm fine. Keep our family's honor alive." The battle wages on for days. The Space Pirates never seemed to stop coming. The Zebesians did, however. After a grueling week of fending of thousands of Space Pirates, only one remained. Her name is Samus. The Space Pirates retrieved a Chozo artifact mentioning someone known as "The Hatchling" who would single handedly overwhelm their invasion. The Space Pirates labeled her "The Hunter" and sent entire troops to eliminate her. But, she massacred everything that stood in her way. Even the strongest Omega Elite Pirates couldn't stand a chance. She eradicated the entire pirate army and saved her home world. Unfortunately, she was the sole survivor. Life would never be the same.

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