No, I'm Not a Ninja After All

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I awaken from my dream.

"Oh crap." Victoria gets up as well.

"What is it?"

"I had a dream."

"Good or bad?" she asks.

"Well, I don't exactly know. See, I had one of those premonitorial dreams..."

"You mean premonitory?"

"Yeah, whatever," I respond. "Anyway, I dreamt that my family won the war against the Space Pirates."

"Space Pirates?"

"Uhh, a creature from my time period. Bad guys."

"Oooook...Well, if they're bad, that's a good thing that you won, right?" she asks.

"Actually, no. Only one person survived. My sister."

"Relax, it's probably nothing."

"I hope so," I reply. Cross comes running in with a Sheikah behind him. "Oh god."

"Stay calm," Victoria requests.

"I'm trying," I respond while clenching my teeth.

"TUSM, I'm glad I found you," Cross says.

"What do you want? You trying to turn me in to someone else?"

"No, no, it's about Link and Zelda."

"Wait. Who's your friend?"

"I am Impa, leader of the Sheikahs."

"And, you're not trying to kill me?"

"Why would I do that?" Impa asks.

"...I...never mind."

"Listen, Link and Zelda are up to something," Cross says...and that's all I paid attention to. I really didn't care about what he said. Mostly because of that stunt he tried, but when people talk, especially for a long time, I just...stop thinking. He mentioned Link, but I could care less about how he's acting. I have my own reasons for hating him. Me and him are enemies and he will die. Hard.....He's still talking. Man, he's just going on and on. I wonder what's going on at Hyrule Castle. It's weird to have Gerudos protecting Link and Zelda...isn't it? I mean, something big has to be back there. If not, then why have the Gerudos protecting it?

"And that's why we gotta find them." Cross finally finishes.

"I agree. The Gorons did say something's not right at Hyrule Castle."

"Let us leave at once," Impa orders. We leave Goron City and head to Hyrule Castle.

"Hey TUSM, could I speak to you, alone?" Impa and Victoria walk ahead.

"What is it?" I ask.

"I wanted to explain the Gerudo thing."

"OK, look. I understand you want me dead. I just thought that YOU would be the one who tried to do it."

"Actually, that's not why I did it," he says.

"So, what was your reason?"

"I wanted you to join the Gerudos as well. That way we would have a team to back us up in our fight against Link."

"Even if that was true, why would the Gerudos accept me after everything I pulled back there?"

"After I joined," he says, "I would put in a good word for you. I would say that you would be a good asset to their tribe."

"You know what?" I say. "I don't believe a word you're saying,"

"Hey, I got that off of my chest. My conscience is clear." He walks ahead.

"Psh, what a load of crap." We reach the entrance to Hyrule Castle.

"OK, this is where the guards were."

"Let's go then." Cross walks around the corner and sees a Gerudo. "Oh crap! I'm outta here." He starts to run away but I grab him and pull him back.

"Doesn't feel so good, hunh?"

"How do we get past them?" Victoria asks.

"Are you serious? This should be...heh, a walk in the park. Why don't you just..." Before I finish, she nails me with a stick. "Hey, I actually wasn't gonna say it this time. I was gonna ask why don't you use some of those fancy-shmancy sneaky tactics?"

"They're probably expecting that," she responds. "They'll see it coming. We need something new."

"OK, I'll handle this." I roll into a ball and try to roll past the guards. Unfortunately, they easily see me and pick me up. Before I can drop my P-Bomb, the Gerudo kicks me to another dimension. Or, back to where everyone was standing. They come and encircle us.

"We know all of your tricks so don't try anything."

"You mean like...this?" I quickly change my stance. Someone grabs me and holds me so someone else can ram a flashy nut in my face.

"Ahhh, my eyes!!!" I fall to my knees. "****, that hurt!" I'm temporarily blinded...I hope it's temporary..."And I can't see!! CRAP, this hurts!!!!" At that moment, I hear...let's classify it as a calamity. A few moments later, someone picks me up.

"Are you alright?" Impa asks.

"No, I still can't see!" Though I can't see it, I sense Victoria standing right in front of me. She starts to chuckle.

"Please don't say anything."

"I was right. You are an idiot." They guide me to the empty castle. I have a feeling we are entering the room where I found Link and Zelda. My eyesight slowly returns, but I say nothing.

"There they are!!" Cross yells.


"Right in front of you!" I start to run forward. I stop and try to punch Cross right in his chest. He blocks it and Victoria cracks me with a stick.

"What is wrong with you?" I try to hold myself back, but I can't hold it in, so I unsheathe my sword and swing. She quickly steps back and unsheathes her sword. She takes a swipe. I block it, push her back and counter. She sidesteps.

"Dude, you can't hit a girl," Cross says.

"I haven't hit her yet," I said as I continued the fight.

"That's 'cause you suck." I charge toward him and I swing. Impa enters and blocks my attack.

"What is this?" He pushes my sword away and prepares to attack. Victoria jumps in and tries to hit Impa. Cross then tries to hit Victoria, then I try to hit Cross. Then, Impa tries to hit me. This continues until we are in one giant knot.

"...Damn, we got some serious problems," I say.

"But...that was oddly fun," Cross adds.

"We should do it again sometime," says Victoria.

"But, back to the task at hand. Link and Zelda are not here. This was a setup. We wasted a lot of time and energy."

"Well, where could they be?" Victoria asks.

"They gotta be in Gerudo Valley. How else could you explain the Gerudo's hanging around here?

"Good point. We must infiltrate Gerudo Valley. Link and Zelda have to be there."

Legend of TUSM, a Zelda/Metroid Mashup.Where stories live. Discover now