Chapter 1

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"I still don't understand why I have to go with her..." I sighed, looking at my mom.

She brushed a loose strand of hair from my face.

"Because she's your sister, Abigail. This is important to her," my mom replied.

I rolled my eyes.

"I understand that, but it's not important to me. Why can't she go alone?" I asked.

"Do you really think we would let her go to a concert with a bunch of raging, sweaty, hormonal teenagers by herself? Who knows what could happen? You're going, and that's the end of this discussion. Now go get dressed, or you'll make her late," my dad said behind his newspaper.

I rolled my eyes again and stomped upstairs. 

"THIS IS SO STUPID!" I yelled from the top of the staircase.  Just then, my foot missed a step and I fell on my face.

Hearing laughter, I looked up to see my little sister doubled over, and clutching her stomach.

"Karma's a witch," she managed to say through her fit of laughter, then she reached out her hand and helped me stand up, "are you okay?" she asked, still laughing.

"Ansleigh, it's not that funny." I said. I walked down the hallway to my bedroom and slammed the door.

I can't believe Mom and Dad are making me go to that stupid 5 Seconds of Summer concert. Their music is horrible. Let's face it, their band sucks.

I opened my closet door and picked out an outfit, ( I showered and blowdryed my hair, then styled it.

I know I said I don't like the band, but I didn't want to look a mess in case any cute guy came along.

I looked at my clock, and yelled for Ansleigh to hurry up and finish getting ready.  The concert started in 5 hours, and it would take us 3 hours just to drive there.  Then, we would have to wait in line forever.  I slowly walked downstairs, so as not to fall like I had earlier.  About fifteen minutes later, my sister came down in a pair of shorts and a black tank top with a red flannel tied around her waist and a red bandana tied around her unsightly head.  

"You're wearing that?!" I scoffed, looking her up and down.

"Yeah, it's very 'Punk Rock'," she stated, with a pleased grin on her face.

"If you think Harry or whatever is going to notice you in that outfit, you might want to go change.  It's not very appealing," I laughed. I grabbed the car keys from the hook on the wall by the front door and walked outside.

"For your information, his name is Ashton, and, yes, he will notice me, because this is practically what he wears everyday," she snapped back at me while she followed me to the car.

"Okay, whatever you say, Ans." 

I put the key into the ignition and backed out of the driveway.  Ansleigh took out her iPhone, plugged it into the AUX, and turned on a song.

"Throwing rocks at your window at midnight.

You met me in your backyard that night.

In the moonlight you looked just like

an angel in disguise.

My whole life seemed like a postcard.

You were mine for a night.

I was out of my mind.

You were mine for a night.

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