Chapter 2

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        After I used the bathroom, I found our section and seats. Of course, they were floor tickets, second row, because they had been Ansleigh's Sweet 16 gift from our parents, and they 'only wanted the best for their little girl'. She was already...squatting on her chair? 

"Ansleigh, what are you doing?!" I half-whispered as I looked around to make sure no one else saw my sister acting like a complete idiot.

"I'm trying to see backstage! I was standing on my chair but that big fat bald security guy told me to get down, so I'm squatting," she replied.

"Why do you need to see backstage?" I asked when I sat down.

"Because, I want to be the first one to see Ashton come out so I can scream his name before anyone else," she answered, craning her neck in a failed attempt to see behind the stage.

 "Is he really that-" 

        My next question was cut off by what seemed like a wave of screams. The stage lit up with bright flares, and some kid with a mop of curly hair stepped up to the drums, twirling a drumstick in the air and lifting it above his head. 

"Omygosh! I LOVE YOU, ASHTOOOOONNNNNNN!" my sister yelled beside me. I covered my ears, but continued to monitor the stage.

        Next, an Asian guy walked out and waved at the crowd. Everyone continued screaming as a tall guy with blonde hair and a lip ring came running onto the stage. The last person to come onstage was a guy with bleach blonde hair that looked like it had been sucked up in a whirlwind. He kind of looked familiar. I doubt I had ever seen him, though.  Probably saw him on one of my sister's posters in her bedroom.

"How's everybody doin' tonight?!" the one with the lip ring said, causing the crowd to scream even louder,"We are 5 Seconds of Summer, and my name is Luke."

"I'm Calum!" shouted the Asian guy.

Curly yelled,"I'm Ashton!" And again, my sister decided to burst my eardrums with her shrills.

"Michael," stated the one with crazy hair,"and this song is 'Wamwesia'."

They played alot of songs, brought a few fans onstage, and did the normal concert stuff.  Michael kept staring at me. What was he looking at? Maybe because I was the only girl not practically throwing myself at them. Maybe that bothered him? I had no idea. And okay, I had to admit, they really weren't that bad.  But I wouldn't tell Ans; she'd never let me live it down.

       We were escorted backstage after the concert, and my sister was crying before we had even left our seats.  I couldn't help but offer her some support.  My parents were right.  This obviously meant alot to her.  

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked her as we followed a man in khakis and a black t-shirt to a small room," You look like you've just seen a ghost."

"I'm so nervous. I feel like I'm going to puke," she muttered.

"It'll be okay, Ans. I promise.  I'm here if you need me," I whispered, reaching for her hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze.

She smiled and wiped her face with a Kleenex given to her by the man in khakis.

"Do I look okay?" she asked, and turned to me so I could see her face.

"Perfect," I smiled back at her.

        We sat in the small room for what seemed like ages before there was a faint knock on the door. Ansleigh stood up from her chair and opened the door, slowly.

"I was told someone wanted to see me?" Ashton said as he poked his head around the door.

My sister's hands flew from the door handle to her mouth, and she inhaled sharply.  Ashton giggled and wrapped her in a bear hug.  Tears began to stream down her face once more as Ashton continued embracing her and the other three members of the band walked in.  They each hugged me, then waited on my sister to finish hugging Ashton, so they could hug her as well.

"Can we take a picture?" my sister requested, holding her iPhone up.

The boys nodded and all surrounded my sister, and I volunteered to take the photo.

"You don't want to be in the picture?" Calum asked me.

"um, no I'm-"

"Here, stand by me," Michael instructed, interrupting me.

"I, uh, okay," I agreed.

The man in the khaki pants took the phone from me and I walked over to Michael.

"One more thing!" my sister exclaimed before the picture was taken.

She looked at  Ashton.

"Can you kiss me on the cheek please?" 

"Sure," he smiled.

"Ready?" the guy in khakis asked, "One. Two-"

When he said "three" I felt hands on my waist and someone's lips on my cheek.  Wait, Ashton wasn't supposed to kiss me? He was supposed to kiss my sister. I turned to Michael.

"What was that for?????" I demanded, pushing him away.


"I DIDN'T ASK YOU TO KISS ME!" I retorted.

"I just thought maybe-" he began.

I cut his sentence short. "Well, you thought wrong. Don't touch me."

"Okay, sorry," his hands shot up in surrender.

By this time, everyone in the small, crowded room was staring at the two of us.  Literally, two minutes of awkward silence passed.

"So, uh, we should get going," Luke reminded the group.  He looked at my sister. 

"It was nice meeting you, Ansleigh." Then his worried gaze fell upon me, "and you too, Abigail."

They all hugged my sister again, but none of them would come even close to me.  After they had left, she walked slowly over to me with clenched fists at her sides.  Oh, not good.

"I can't believe you did that..."she spat at me,"my one chance at getting Ashton to like me and you screwed it up."

I backed away from her, but she continued coming closer to me.


"Don't talk to me. Don't talk to me ever again. I hate you," she finished, her words cutting like knives.

"I promise I-" She didn't let me finish my apology before leaving the room and slamming the door behind her.

"Uh," I heard someone speak up, looked over, and saw the guy in the khaki pants still standing in his spot from earlier. Great, he witnessed all of that.

         I felt my cheeks redden as I tasted salt on my lip. The tears poured faster as I ran out of the room and to the parking lot. I unlocked my Jeep, and pulled out.  As I pulled onto the interstate to head home, I couldn't help but replay what had just happened.  I hated upsetting my sister.  I knew she could be a pain, but I didn't want her to be unhappy.  She had been talking about this opportunity for months and I ruined it all with my stupidity. How could I have been so inconsiderate?  I was wiping at my eyes to clear away the tears that were blurring my vision when I heard my phone ring. I picked it up to check the message, constantly glancing back up at the road ahead of me.  

From: Ansleigh

I seriously hate you.  I'm ashamed to call you my sister.

Before I had the chance to text back, a bright light came through my windshield, I heard metal crushing, glass shattering, and someone screaming.  Wait, that was me. I was the one screaming...


Authour's Note:

I really hope you guys like this story! Please comment, vote, and continue reading. I really want your opinions on this story. Also, you can follow me on twitter and instagram: @mikeyspizzasos

Thank you so much! I love you! XOXOXOXOXO

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