Chapter 7

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"Can I ask you something, Mikey?"

We were sitting in my basement, and I was watching him play FIFA . He squinted his eyes, slightly and bit at his lip, while keeping his eyes trained on the flat screen television in front of him.


"What are we?

"Pale," he replied, seriously.

I grabbed the pillow next to me and whacked him in his arm with it. With a dropped jaw, he threw down his controller and reached for a pillow to defend himself. The pillow I was clenching instantly became my shield as he wielded on me with his own. Shooting up from the couch, I tried to run to the stairs. No success. Michael grasped my waist from behind and pulled me to the floor, tickling me. My uncontrollable fits of laughter rang in my own ears as I gasped for air.

"Michael, stop, please!"

"Huh? Sorry, I can't hear you!" he joked, continuing his attack on my abdomen.

I could barely get out another plea for him to stop, but I managed.

"What? One more time. I couldn't understand you," he said laughing.

Grabbing Michael's hands and pulling him down next to me caused him to cease the tickle war. Once I caught my breath, I turned my head to look at him. He had his eyes closed.


He turned on his side to face me and propped up his head up on his right elbow. I felt his free hand reach over and pull me to him.

"Yes?" he asked, looking down at me.

"You never answered my question.." I replied. Nervousness overtook me while I awaited his answer, so I began to pick at my slightly chipping red fingernail polish. He cupped my cheek in his hand. I could feel his calloused fingers brush against my jawline.

"What do you want us to be?" he questioned.

I felt an eruption of butterflies in my stomach as I looked up to meet his gaze.

"Clearly, we both have feelings for one another..." I trailed off.

"Well, I don't hide my feelings," he laughed.

"That's pretty obvious," I laughed back.

His huge grin turned into a soft smile, "I love your laugh." He removed his hand from my cheek and placed it on my hip. "And I want to hear it as long as possible."

My face burned and my mouth went dry.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked, his sweet Australian accent hanging from his every word.

I nodded and pressed my lips to his for a brief moment before I realized-

"Michael, we're still laying on the floor." 

He looked around, "It seems that we are..."

I laughed as he stood and grabbed my hand to pull me up.

"Let's go get some supper, yeah?" he asked, leading me up the basement stairs.

When we reached the top, he turned to look at me.

"Wear something nice. This is a special occasion," he said, winking.



I went to my bathroom and showered, wrapped a towel around my body, and another into my wet hair. Shivering, I walked into my bedroom and opened my closet. I eyed my options and decided on a short black dress with sequins on the top. I paired it with my black pumps with the red accent on the inside of the heel, red earrings, and a red rose necklace ( Pandora played from my iPhone sitting on the dock as I did my makeup-smokey eyes and red lipstick.  I styled my hair into loose curls and sprayed on some perfume.  Taking a look into my full body mirror, I let out a shaky breath.  I hope I look okay...

        I grabbed my phone and my clutch purse. Michael was waiting next to the front door on the small bench we had next to the coat rack with his elbows resting on his knees, his hands clasped together, and his head down.  When he heard my heels hit the top stair, he looked up at me and swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing slightly. I took care not to trip as my heel hit each new stair.  He stood to his feet and pulled me into him.

"You look beautiful," he whispered, his lips slightly brushing against my ear. I'm pretty sure that was an accident. 

I smiled at him and looked at his outfit, "You clean up pretty nice, yourself."

He was wearing a white button up with a black tie, black pants, and his black Vans.

"I don't really do the whole formal dress thing," he said, looking down at his shoes.

I laughed and laced my fingers in his, "I don't think it would look like your style."

He smiled back and nodded towards the door, "Shall we?"

"We shall."


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