Chapter Sixteen: Forgiveness

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As Legolas and Dartha followed Elladan and Tauriel, Legolas did not know why he was so surprised to learn that Tauriel had settled in Rivendell. Since she had been in love with a dwarf, perhaps a part of him thought she would have found a place among the dwarfs somehow. She had adjusted well in Rivendell it seemed, but there was a minuscule amount of sadness etched into her face and it told the remorse of her short lived romance with Kili, who died in battle. The truth was that the grief would never fully leave her, but she lives on. Legolas learned first hand that life goes on in general. Tauriel had been his companion since they were eflings, side by side they had lived their lives and at a time he dreamed that they would always be together but as something more than friends. There was a very small window in which they had the chance to belong to each other back then but unfortunately, things never came together for many reasons.

Once inside, the four of them were met by an elf that appeared very much like Elladan. When he saw the company that came in with Elladan and Tauriel, he practically jumped unto Legolas, "What visit is this!" he smiled. Legolas received him well before referring to him as 'the more attractive brother'.  Laughter was exchanged between them as Elladan rolled his eyes before saying, "How is that so when Elrohir and I are identical?" Tauriel put her say in and joked, "Light simply falls upon him differently Elladan!" Dartha remained in the background as their familiar exchange continued until attention was drawn to her. "We could stand in the hallway for all of eternity bantering, but I'm sure Dartha is exhausted and Legolas wishes to speak to father", Elladan said, "Where might Ada be found?" Elrohir reached out to the princess with smiling eyes and shook her hand, "I believe I have seen you before", he said to Dartha before answered his brother, "Ada can be found resting on the western balcony if you seek him".

Elrond stood overlooking the snow falling upon his kingdom when Legolas joined him on the balcony, "You are welcome son of Thranduil, has it been a long journey?" The prince felt his exhaustion once more as he thought of very thing he had gone through before arriving in Rivendell. "Too long," he sighed, "I am grateful to be able to stand before you". Elrond turned his head to look at the elf prince with compassion, "It does not look like much now, but this will be a brutal winter. You would avoid much hardship if you and your betrothed stay here until spring". Legolas was nearly taken back by how much foresight Rivendell's king had until Elrond broke a smile and pointed to Legolas's ring. "I am very serious of the winter though", Elrond said as he turned to look back over the balcony. The ground was completely covered in white, but the amount did not appear to be a problem.

Legolas looked over to see light flakes falling into place, "I trust whatever it is you see my lord. We will wait out this winter as long as our stay is welcomed". As if Elrond was gazing into the future, he did not take his eyes away from western horizon, "You are always welcome here Legolas". A huge gust of wind blew against them provoking Elrond to turn away in preparation to return inside, but the prince spoke up quickly, "My lord I wish to speak with you and be advised!" Elrond paused in his light step and looked at the prince, "Considering what matter?" Legolas drew a step closer before answering him, "Concerning the future I have with the elleth I am to marry". Elrond held a look that lacked expression when he asked, "Where is she now?" Legolas had separated himself from Dartha since arriving in the palace, her whereabouts he did not know, "We have been resting separately my lord, I do not know". Elrond's face was taken over with a frown, "Then I can not hear you on such matter that concerns you both until she is standing before me as well. You are betrothed to be one, therefore I will only advise the two of you as one". Legolas looked ready to object, but Elrond had already made his way inside saying, "Do not waste your time coming to me without her".

Legolas found Dartha in the dining. She had the company of a bowl of soup and Elrohir before her that she did not know when Legolas had walked in. "Do you still wish to speak with lord Elrond or have you settled for his son?" Legolas asked with a little agitation. Elrohir picked up his annoyance, and thinking that Legolas's frustration was jealousy directed towards him, he quickly explained himself, "I was just telling Dartha that she was the elleth that healed me at battle. I and many other elves and men would've died of our wounds if it were not for her and her fleet of elleths". Dartha raised her head and looked to Legolas weary, "What has lord Elrond told you?" The prince responded lighter after the explanation and when he saw her face, "He will not speak to me individually, we must stand before him together". The princess stood up from the table and wished Elrohir a good night, "If this is the last we will see each other this evening, I wish you a restful night". Elrohir nodded to her and allowed Legolas to led her out of the room. They walked in silence through the halls until they had arrived at a door that was partially opened. Legolas had been informed by a guard earlier that Elrond would be in his study at this particular hour. The prince peeked his head inside the door, "Forgive me lord, but I have found Dartha. We wish to stand before you now if it be of good timing". Elrond placed his marker inside the text he was reading before he looked up at Legolas through the partially opened door. The princess could be seen behind him.

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