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AAaaaanyway, later that night...

Barry and Mituna sat together in the candlelight. they had brought a candle into a broom closet for the candlelight effect, cause it wasnt dark out. they also had a nice picnic blanket in there and everything. no food though. that was taking it a little too far.

"H3Y 84RRY, 1 D0N7H 7H1NK 1 3V3R 70LD Y0U 7HI2H, 8U7 1'V3 N3V3R D83D 4 833 83F0R3" said Mituna.

"Really? you could have fooled me!" said Barry

"WH4T D0 Y0U M34N?" asked Mituna

"Well that sure looks like a bee themed outfit if i ever saw one" replied Barry.

"WH4T 7H3 5VCK DO Y0U 2UPP07H3D T0 M34N 8Y 7H4T 4R3 Y0U 1MPLY1N9 20M37H1NG?!" screeched Mituna

"whoa calm down there buddy, it was a compliment" said Barry "what would i even be implying?"

"S0RRY" Mituna whimpered, seemingly pacified.

"But seriously dude your outfit looks just like a pollen jock outfit" Barry added.

"7H4NK Y0U" said Mituna.

An unseen persons watched them from the shadows, giggling sinisterly. (yes, i know they're in a broom closet. but maybe they're not the only ones there... ooooooo spooky...)

The Unseen Persons was going to go report back to her boss, but it realized that there was no way she could get out of the broom closet without opening the door and being revealed. so she would have to wait for the date to finish. whatever. she had all the time it needed. besides, if she left now, she might miss something, and then her information would be incomplete! she felt Mituna lean back slightly, and the she was pinned against the wall by the cleaning supplies she was hiding behind, and let out a squeak of pain.

"Mituna did you hear that?!" asked Barry "I THINK WE'RE NOT ALONE!"

"0H 2H17" said Mituna. then he reached up and turned on the light in the closet.

BUT IT WAS TOO LATE! the unseen persons was already gone! shall we ever find out who this mysterious figure is? MAybe we will! Maybe we wont! find out next time on BORN TO BEE TOGETHER!


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