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Ok, in realtime, i hadn't worked on this fanfic for over a year when I posted this chapter.

*dramatic pause*

BORN TO BEE TOGETHER: CHAPTER 5... or is it 6... I don't remember: DIDDLY DARN.

After Latula immediately agreed to be set up with Porrim, (that's what happened last, right?) she and Meenah spent a solid day looking for Porrim, but she was nowhere to be found. They searched every single god damn hive. But still no trace. Finally, as the week was nearing it's end, they spotted her. (shut up it takes a week.)

she was on the roof of a hive, staring into space.

"yo you gucci what's goin on up there?" Meenah asked.

porrim continued to stare into space.

"com3 on down so 1 c4n d4t3 you!" latula yelled.

"I have been traumatized..." porrim said flatly.

"wh4t? tr4um4t1z3d by wh4t?" Latula kept yelling.

"m- m-.. m-" Porrim stuttered. "MITUNA'S SINGING!"

"what you've seen him?" meenah asked.

"Yes! He sang me an entire christmas carol! It was so shocking I forgot my quirk!" Porrim cried. (note: this is totally, 100% not because I forgot porrim's quirk, you trust me, right?)

"where'd he go?" Meenah asked.

"I don't know it was like a week ago! apparently!" Porrim screamed to the heavens. "Please, god, let the writer remember my quirk so I can be in character!" She prayed. But I did not hear. 'Fool' I thought. She will never return to her old self.


fuck that was an actual spelling error not a pun. Ah well, i'll leave it there.

"I can see you are no match for me!" Aranea yelled, thrusting her sword at Cronus.

"Vwell vwell, vwe'll see about that!" Cronus replied winking.

This same exchange had been going on for the past week. They hadn't done anything else, but were now locked permanently in this battle until the end of time.

At the very least, this provided nepeta the freedom to do something other than her lord's will, so she went around the... where do they live? I don't remember if this is a dream bubble or an AU. Imma go with "she went around the city" for a while, and then she got bored of that, and went back to watch the swordfight. for two days, she watched them from the rafters. She was starting to ship them. But recently they had gotten caught in a broken record loop of "I can see you are no match for me" *lunge* "Vwell vwell vwell, vwe'll see about that" *parry*, which, seeing as that encounter took all of about 6 seconds, they had repeated that interaction at least 28800 times in a row.

Needless to say, it was getting boring. So, nepeta came up with a new plan. She sneakily snuck down to sneak up behind them like a sneaker, and stole the throne of lies, and ran out the front door. They didn't notice, they were bust repeating their interaction for the 29123rd time. (I didn't do that math i don't care if it's not accurate.)

Then she moved it to a new hive, right beside the "fight hive", and sat upon it.

":33 < I am the ovepurrlord now" She thought to herself. She was very pleased with her work. Now all she needed were some subjects!

Oh hey! there were some walking in right now! It was latula, meenah and porrim.


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