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"So you're telling me, that you haven't seen Mituna OR 8arry for 3 days?!" asked Aranea. she was getting mad, her only source of entertainment was missing.

":33 Yes, that is correct, my lord" said Nepeta.

"They're probably off doin the smash in a closet somewvhere" said Cronus, bursting in through the door. "an idea that i'm not opposed to, in any of you vwanted to try it wvith me"

"Cronus how the fuck did you find us" said Aranea. "I chose the most inconspicous hive in the entire afterlife"

"vwell... this one is also mine..." answered Cronus.

"WHAT?! how many do you own?" screeched Aranea.

"You wvill neeeevwer knowv..." Cronus whispered spookily.

":33 Hang on, i have a question" Nepeta said. ":33 How does one even do the smash with a b33?"

"shut up its a metaphor" said Cronus

"A metaphor for WHAT?" yelled Aranea. "What the hell are you even talking a8out anymore! I've spent 3 DAYS avoiding you, and it seems, no matter where i settle, YOU'RE ALWAYS RIGHT THERE! HOW DO YOU DO THAT! HOW CAN ONE PERSON 8E SO INFURI8ING!?" and she pulled a sword out of her shirt and leaped at Cronus, who pulled another sword out of his pants (a real sword dumbass, that is not an innuendo, thats just where cronus keeps his swords. shhh.), and they clashed. as this epic battle ensued, Nepeta awkwardly shuffled out of the room, hoping that Aranea had just found a new form of entertainment.

MEENAHWHILE... (no i will not stop screw you)

Meenah wandered back over to Latula, who was still crying in the corner.

"Yo, i've tried to be patient with ya, but you've been over here for 3 days gurl and its time you got up and moved on" she said.

"no." said Latula

"Look, regardless of how much i care, you're sitting in the corner of MY hive, and have been for 3 days without moving." Meenah said.

"1 don't c4r3" said Latula.

"What if i set you up with Porrim?" asked Meenah

"oooh y3s pl34s3" Latula stopped crying immediately.

"Ok, well she hasnt been sea-n for days either, but im sure we can find her." replied Meenah.

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