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Aranea sat atop her Throne of Lies. actually, it was just a chair she had taken from the kitchen, and then wrote a bunch of fake facts on sticky notes and stuck them to the chair, then put the chair at the end of a grand hallway to look impressive. so i guess technically it was a throne of lies. it still looked like a kitchen chair covered in sticky notes. she heard a knock from the end of the hall.

"Enter" she said. the Unseen Persons walked in to the hall. except now, in the fully lit hall, she was not unseen. "Rise, my lord of ships!" said Aranea. "Do you have news for me?"

":33 Mituna and the b33 have gone on another date in the broom closet. Nothing much else" reported Nepeta, the Unseen Persons.

"Ah, well it is news enough to me. Keep this up and I might soon give you a promotion" replied Aranea, still attempting to act impressive while sitting on a chair covered in sticky notes. "Go now, see what else you might find out a8out these two love8irds"

":33 Yes, my lord" said Nepeta, and left.

"vwhat vwas that all about?" asked Cronus, emerging from behind a pillar.

"AH GOD how long have you 8een here!?" squealed Aranea

"vwell if you dont vwant me around, you shouldn't havwe set up your impressive throne thingy in my hiwve" said Cronus. "may I ask vwhy you havwe Meulin's descendant reporting ships to you?"

"uhhh... cause i need information...?" replied Aranea. "for... reasons...?" Cronus raised an eyebrow. "ok, the truth is i have no good answer to that question" Aranea admitted.

"vwell can you move this setup somewvhere else? Unless you really vwant to stick around" said Cronus with a wink.

"ew no" said Aranea, picking up her chair.

"awvwv... i really meant if you really did vwant to stick around..." pouted Cronus.

"No thank you, I'll 8e off your 8ack in no time" said Aranea. "I wouldn't have come here if i knew this was your place"

MEANWHILE (i'm not gonna do the meenahwhile thing again. mostly just because meenah's not even in this part)

Barry and Mituna clung to each other, frightened for their lives.

"I could've sworn I heard someone else in here" said Barry

"M3 T00" Mituna said "7H12 12 5R34K1NG M3 0U7" All of a sudden, the lights in the closet went out! Mituna squeaked in fear and pressed himself against the back of the closet, cradling barry in his hands. the door of the closet slowly creaked open to reveal a figure standing in the doorway! a dramatic flash of lightning went off, even though they were inside a building! all of a sudden the lights in the closet turned back on, so they could quite clearly see Porrim standin in the doorway.

"what the fuck are yo+u do+ing in the clo+set." she said.

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