9: I ❤️ U

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You worked three large floorboards up in the direction that the heart was pointing, desperate to see something. Anything.

Would it be Lawliet, in some special, protective capsule?

Highly unlikely.

Could it be another note?

Possible, but also, what a waste of time. Not that you wouldn't put it past Lawliet to make things more complicated than they needed to be.

As you continued to crack open the floor boards, you grabbed a flashlight to shine into the old pockets beneath the wood.

"Is that... what I think it is?" You murmured as you bent down closer.

Death in the Andes by Mario Vargas Llosa. 

"What?" Your face scrunched in confusion. "The sequel to Who Killed Palomino Molero... Why?" You picked the book up and blew off the dust.

It was an interesting story, the one you had read. The Nobel-Prize winning author of course had the skills to impress you, but how did Lawliet even know that you had read the prequel to this book? It was one in thousands, and you hadn't mentioned it to him in your memory. Pleasant but without much meaning.

The question remained, what did it mean to him? He loved you, of course, so the idea that he did notice you reading the prequel was not a crazy inference to make. But as for why this prequel was hidden under the floor... You were once again lost.

As you sat down, you held the book close to you. A parting gift from Lawliet, as if to say "read this to entertain yourself until I come back". At least, that was how you interpreted it. The thought that it might be the very last gift from your boyfriend wasn't a thought you were ready to formulate.

You sniffed it, wondering if it might smell like him. It didn't. But you did give it one last hug before opening to the inside of the front cover, only to discover a note.

A NOTE! You quickly scanned the page. Easily, it could be another clue.

Dear YN,

You may be wondering what I mean by choosing this book for you... Well, simply put, I think it's both more fun and more special to let you read and find out! I remember where you were first reading the prequel to this book and how you couldn't put it down until it was done. You didn't remark on it, but I knew it would would always contain a special place where you could find yourself and anything else that might be lost.

I ❤️ U,


You sat back, both astonished and in awe of your boyfriend's letter. You'd have to really look into it later. However, the rest of this evening was going to be dedicated to reading this book he chose for you.

"When he saw the Indian woman appear at the door of the shack, Lituma guessed what she was going to say. And she did say it, but she was mumbling in Quechua while the saliva gathered at the corners of her toothless mouth.

'What's she saying, Tomasito?'

'I couldn't catch it, Corporal.'

The Civil Guard addressed her in Quechua, indicating with gestures that she should speak more slowly. The woman repeated the indistinguishable sounds that affected Lituma like savage music. He suddenly felt very uneasy.

'What's she saying?'

'It seems her husband disappeared,' murmured his adjutant. 'Four days ago'."

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