Chapter 9

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June POV

"Me and Kian are in his house sitting on his couch almost finished eating the tv is on but we are just talking"

June: any new movies or tv shows coming up because your a really good actor?

Kian: thanks you saw all my projects?

June: I saw the chosen and before I fall

Kian: and?

June: I really like the chosen the plot was really good

Kian: thanks, your a bit of an actress yourself right?

June: you can say that

Kian: can I ask how can you get on stage and sing and dance and act live?

June: well I always loved singing in high school I did musicals and fell in love with performing on stage, I don't know when I'm on stage I'm not my self I try to change and become my character.

Kian: honestly that's so amazing

June: thanks, I know you can sing to

Kian: yeah a little bit

June: oh be quite you have an amazing voice

Kian: thanks, but I bet you voice is more beautiful

"Nope nope I can't do this I'm starting to feel all hot and sweaty again."

Kian: you done with your food?

June: uh yeah

Kian: here I throw it out for you

June: thanks

"He gets up and goes to his kitchen I lift my armpits and start fanning myself and I put my hair into a messy bun because I know I'm about to leave soon because I don't think I can stay here any longer."

Kian: you hot?

June: uhhh yeah a bit

Kian: I got you *opens window*

June: uhhh thanks, but I shoul-

Kian: can I see how your tattoos looked?

June: oh okay

"I pull up my pants leg because that's where I got my sunflower tattoo at."

Kian: looking good, are you gonna get anymore?

June: honestly I don't know, can I actually see all yours tattoos I really like them

Kian: year sure

"Kian stands up and takes his sweatshirt off and then his shirt...... and wow I can't even talk right now I'm speechless."

Kian: see, which one is your favorite

June: I really like this skull one, which one is your favorite

Kian: I really like my owl it's always been my favorite

June: how many do you have??

Kian: honestly I don't know I need to count them all

June: you gonna get more??

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