Chapter 11

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Kian POV

Kian: dudeeee

Jc: what?

Kian: nothing

Jc: what's wrong?

Kian: her friend is coming

Jc: and? It's not like y'all would be alone anyways

Kian: I know bu-

Jc: dude she a fucking boyfriend

Kian: I KNOW!!


Kian: shut up bitch *pokes jc side*

Jc: ow KIAN

June POV

"Amaya here and we are just sitting and chilling waiting for Kian to come."

Amaya: can you change?

June: why?

Amaya: because I just do-

June: I'm going car shopping

Amaya: and so

June: he not my boyfriend I have no one else to impress

Amaya: maybe he will pay for it so look nice

June: Amaya be quite please I think I look fine

Amaya: I'm just saying

*phone rings*

June: give me a second it's Sean

June- hello

Sean- hey babe where you at?

June- I'm home with Amaya

Sean- oh are you going to go with her?

June- yeahhh, where are you?

Sean- with my grandmother, we are about to go soon I will meet at the place and take Amaya home then we can chill maybe?

June- oh um no it's fine I'll meet you at my house

Sean- are you sure?

June- yeah cause Amaya said that we need to talk

Sean- oh okay, well text me on your way home okay

June- okay baby byeee

Sean- bye

Amaya: why did you lie?

June: I didn't lie.... you are coming

Amaya: mmmmm sure

*Phone dings*

June: he here let's go

Amaya: mmm I cant wait to see

June: shut up let's go, bye spike I love you *blows kiss*

"We walk out my door and into the elevator and I'm kinda scared because I know how Amaya is she doesn't keep her mouth close, we walk outside and look for Kian car he honks his horn and we walk up to it and gets inside."

Jc: hiiiiiii juneeeeee

June: *laughs* hi Jc hey Kian ummmm thanks guys.. and umm this is Amaya by the way

Amaya: hey

Kian: hi June, so which car shop?

Amaya: *whispers to june* guess I'm chopped liver then

June: *motions to be quite* um here I'll send it to you..... you got it?

Kian: yeah thanks, and I'm sorry hi Amaya

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