Chapter 12

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Kian POV

"Me, Jc and Amaya are driving in the car I keep looking back at Amaya and she looking out the window with this scared look on her face, I wonder what's up with her."

Amaya: hey um you can drop me off at the light

Kian: are you sure?

Amaya: yeah my um grandmother lives here

Kian: oh okay

Jc: but June said

Amaya: it's okay I'll call her when I get inside

Kian: ok.... right here

Amaya: yeah thanks guys I'll see you guys around

Kian: later

"Amaya hop out and walks inside some apartment lobby she turns around and looks at the car, it's kinda like she looking for us to drive off, I kinda don't want to but the light turns green and I go anyway I look through the mirror and I still see her waiting and looking at the car."

Jc: yo dude you won't believe what happened

Kian: what?

Jc: Amaya asked me to take photos for her but then she got and text someone saying we have to tell june about them and that's why she freaked out

Kian: ok and?

Jc: the guy name was Sean

"I stopped the car so quickly that jc and my head both jerked, the car behind me blows his horn."

Jc: dude Kian gooooooo

"I step on the gas and start driving."

Kian: are you sure?

Jc: yes


Jc: yes dude yes

Kian: omg that's June boyfriend, we have to say something

Jc: no are you crazy, we gotta wait get some more evidence first because what if it's not what it seems

Kian: that cheating bastard

June POV

"Me and Sean get inside my apartment I drop everything in my hand when I see my baby."

June: spikeeeeee omg I missed you so much, did you miss mommy oh yes you did, look daddy here too did you miss daddy huh?

Sean: he missed me the most yes you did

"I picked up my stuff whole Sean playing with spike and put it on the table."

June: I wonder if Amaya ok, nobody has texted me yet and they don't live that far for the car dealership

Sean: it okay babe

June: it just I never seen her like that before kinda scared me a little bit

Sean: everything is going to be okay, come here

"Sean grabs me and hugs me and kissed me on the top of my head, I'm honestly so happy to be dating someone as amazing as Sean he is really always there when I need him to be."

Sean: so did you see any cars you liked

June: yes omg let me get my phone and show you

*phone rings*

June: oh it's Kian hold on

June- hello

Kian- hey June are you home?

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