Day 2

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It's only 9:30am and my day has already been crazy.  My dad is mad at my brother already this morning because my brother, let's face it, is a loser.  He sits around the house all day playing video games, and using the excuse that he's looking after Mom for not getting a job.  Seriously, he's 19 years old, he is SO old enough to be working, and it's not like he does anything really to help out with Mom anyway.  Okay, let me tell you a bit about my brother Bryan so you can get the full picture here.

Bryan is 19, graduated high school last year.  He's smart as can be, but lazy!  Boy is that kid lazy.  Mom and dad have spoiled him since the day he was born.  That boy has never had to lift a finger or work for a thing in his life.  When he was 5 he got really sick.  I don't really know what was wrong with him, but lets just say it was something bad, and he spent almost 2 years in and out of hospitals and Mom and Dad didn't think he was going to make it.  Sad, yes, I know.  And I'm glad he's okay now, but Bryan acts like because of that he shouldn't have to do anything.  When he was 15 he was able to get his learners permit to drive, and Mom and Dad bought him a brand new car.  Brand new!  With all the bells and whistles on it.  Come on, seriously?  What 15 year old kid needs a brand new car to learn to drive in?  I know this makes me sound jealous of Bryan; really I'm not.  It's just that I don't understand why they always give him everything he wants; buy him the very best money can buy even though he doesn't do anything to deserve it.  I already told you the kid is smart right?  Yeah well look at his report cards, they wouldn't give you that impression.  Seriously, the kid is lazy.  He knew the work, he could have been a straight A student, but instead he just preferred to party all the time, and get grades good enough to barely pass.  I really think Bryan knows that Mom and Dad will take care of him forever if he just keeps playing dumb, so that's what he does.  So anyway, Bryan sits around the house all day, and uses Mom as his excuse to not go anywhere or do anything.  He say's he's looking after her, which he isn't doing at all.  Dad works from home now just so he can be here with Mom.  Dad does all the work unless I'm home to help.  Sometimes I even stay home and watch Mom just so Dad can spend an evening out with his old buddies cause I know it's hard on him not being able to do all the things he used to be able to do.  Bryan never offers to help so Dad can go out.  I mean I guess I can't blame him, it is awkward at times having to deal with Mom, and I'm a girl, so it's got to be worse for Bryan, but it's our Mom! 

Bryan, I think I mentioned this already, plays video games ALL day!  If you could make a living playing Assassin's Creed he would be a billionaire.  He's mastered that game 100 times over.  I think he also spends a lot of time playing that other popular war game, what's it called... Call of Duty I think is what he plays.  He will sit there for hours at a time with this headset on, yelling into the mic at other people in the game.  It get's pretty vulgar at times.  His friends come over and play his games with him, and they have a spot in the woods behind the house where they light a bonfire and drink and smoke pot.  They swear they don't smoke, but come on, it's so obvious.  I know Dad doesn't like it, but he doesn't say anything to Bryan about it anymore because he knows Bryan will never admit it, and it's only going to turn into a fight.  Don't get me wrong I love Bryan to death, but he frustrates me by upsetting my Dad like he does.

So anyway, Dad is mad at Bryan this morning because I guess last night while I was gone Dad asked Bryan to clean the mess in the kitchen.  After all it's all his take-out bags and trash from when his buddies came over the other day.  Our house is always a mess to be honest.  Ever since Mom got sick and her mind started slipping things around the house kinda stopped getting done.  It used to bother my Dad really bad, but now he doesn't seem to notice much.  But when he want's something done he wants it done NOW!  Well obviously Bryan was in the middle of a game and count leave it to go clean the kitchen and Dad came downstairs to the same mess he asked Bryan to clean last night.  You see, in this house if Dad actually asks you to help do something, you just do it.  he doesn't ask for much, and he doesn't ask often.  But Bryan, the dope that he is doesn't seem to get it. 

Since I don't have school today I have locked myself in my room until the storm blows over.  I would call Lindsey to see if she wants to hang out, but I still don't have a car to drive and I don't want her to have to come get me.  That would mean she has to come to this crazy house I call home, and yeah, well I'm just not feeling up to it. 

Guess I should just go downstairs and clean the kitchen for Bryan so Dad will calm down, and life can get back to what we call normal!  Be back later!

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