Day 2 Part 2

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Okay I'm back... So I went down to clean the kitchen and Dad wouldn't let me do it.  He told me it wasn't my mess so it wasn't my responsibility.  Instead he screamed at Bryan the whole time he threw everything that was sitting on the counter, in the sink and on the kitchen table in the garbage.  I honestly don't think Dad was paying attention to what he was throwing away, cause when he was done I had to go through the trash and pull out some of the good dishes Mom and Dad got for a wedding present from my grandparents. 

Good news for the day is I heard back from the mechanic who has my car.  Easy enough fix, something like the alternator went bad, my battery also needs to be replaced, I don't know, when I couldn't understand what he was talking about I gave Dad the phone.  He's the one that knows about this kind of stuff, and honestly Dad's the one who has to pay the bill.  I'll pay Dad back for it... it's gonna be $680 to fix, which I have half of for Dad now, but my part time job doesn't pay well and I try to pay for as much of my own stuff as I can, since I know Dad works really hard to take care of everything else.  You know if Bryan would just work to pay for his own stuff maybe that would make life easier for Dad and they wouldn't bicker so much.  Oh well, I can't fix that so I'm not gonna worry about it.  But I get my car back in the morning, so I'm happy! 

Mom and I finally watched that movie she wanted to watch yesterday.  She's been stuck on one movie for months now, Frozen!  I like the movie, but geez, how many times can I listen to the same songs over and over and not want to throw snowballs at the screen?  But it makes Mom happy, so whatever!  It's bad of me to say but watching Mom watch that movie is hilarious.  She can't sit still when she's watching it... she gets right up off the coach every time they start singing, and she sings right along with them, belting out every word, completely off key, and acting out the whole scene.  So picture it, a 42 year old woman in Winnie the Pooh footie pajamas, running around the living room with her arms wide open, singing "Do you wanna build a snowman" at the top of her lungs.  Jumping up on the coach, trying to climb walls, and laying on the floor singing her heart out!  Maybe it's just something you have to be there to see for yourself, but I assure you it is to die for funny to watch. 

After the movie Mom wanted to cook dinner.  Yikes, Mom in the kitchen.  Don't get me wrong, she's still able to cook when she wants to, but with her mood swings, sometimes it's just safer to not let her be in the kitchen around sharp objects.  Dad has literally gotten rid of most of the sharp blades, or anything else Mom can throw at us, or use to hurt herself, but that doesn't mean Mom can't find other things to throw.  Let me tell you from experience that a tea kettle to the head hurts.  And this experience cooking dinner with Mom was just as I was afraid it would be.  It started off great... honestly it was like the old Mom was back.  She was making her way around that kitchen like she used to.  Things were going great, but then Bryan came in and complained about something she was making and all hell broke loose.  Bryan doesn't think sometimes.  Honestly, he see's Mom being "normal" and forgets he needs to be careful.  He doesn't realize that it doesn't take much these days to set Mom off.  Nope, so Bryan comes in and starts whining about how the meatballs she was making smell like dog crap.  Ahhhh, Mom was pissed.  She never took insults to her cooking lightly to begin with.  What on earth made Bryan think he'd get away with it now?  Lucky for Bryan Dad was in the living room watching the news when all this started.  Honestly, as hard as I would try, there would be no way I could hold Mom back if she is determined to go after someone.  After Bryan made his comment about her meatballs, Mom snapped around and glared at him.  Oh Bryan knew he was in for it... but the idiot that he is didn't wanna apologize and back down... noooooo, instead he tells her that her cooking sucks, and she should just go back to what she does best, watching kids shows in her PJ's.  Ahhhhhh damn, Bryan, I swear your an idiot.  Just about that time Dad came running around into the kitchen, shoved Bryan into a wall and ran to my Mom.  He tried giving her a hug and telling her Bryan didn't mean it, that he was just in a bad mood cause he got in trouble this morning, but Mom wouldn't have anything to do with it.  Nope, Mom pushed Dad off of her, and started toward Bryan.  I thought this to be a good time for me to maybe leave the room, but first I knew I should turn the stove off and move the hot pans.  We don't need someone being shoved into a hot stove, or being hit with a scalding hot pan full of hamburger grease.  Man, I now wish I had just left the room and not worried my pretty little head about their safety, cause just as I got to the stove and turned off the burner for the meatballs, didn't Mom shove Dad out of her way, he fell back into me, and my hand falls into the hot pan of meat and grease.  Damn it!  I start screaming, Dad doesn't know who he should help, Mom's running at Bryan, Bryan's yelling at Dad to do something, I'm still standing at the stove screaming like it's the end of the world and Dad does the only thing he can think of, he sticks his foot out tripping Mom just before she get's within arms reach of Bryan!  Mom goes down like a ton of rocks, taking everything that was on the counter and a chair with her.  Bryan starts laughing, which only makes Mom more mad, and I'm now standing at the sink crying my eyes out, running cold water over my hand.  What a mess.  Dad yells at Bryan to go to his room, helps Mom up off the floor and ask's if she's okay.  Tell's her that her cooking is the best he's ever eaten and he can't wait for dinner to be ready so they can all sit down and enjoy dinner together (something we all know isn't going to happen, except Mom).  Mom's crying now, all upset because in all the commotion a glass of grape Kool-Aid spilled and got all over her Pooh Bear PJ's.  And I'm still at the sink sulking over my hurt hand that no one seems to care about. 

Don't worry, my hand still hurts, but once Dad got Mom all cleaned up, gave Mom her "candy" and got her snuggled in on the couch watching Frozen again, he got the First-Aid kit out and cleaned up my hand.  It looks worse than it is Dad say's, so I trust it will be fine.  But until then I have this stupid oily lotion all over my hand and it's got to stay wrapped in this bulky white gauze stuff.  When Dad got done fixing my hand I went to Bryan's room to yell at him for being an idiot.  He threw his remote control for his TV at me and told me to get out of his room.  The remote hit me in the nose, it started bleeding, and now I also have a black eye.  When I go back to school on Monday I think I'm just gonna tell people I got into a car accident... it's easier than explaining that my family is crazy and all this was caused by my Mom trying to cook a simple dinner. 

God, why wasn't I born into a normal family?  Oh well, I think I will go to bed, and pray to be taken by aliens or something.

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