Sally Face x Reader: Movie Night

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Triggers: #SpoilersforInfinityWar #GenderNeutralReader #SlightMakeOut

"Sal!" You call from the hallway, your arms filled with an assortment of snacks and candies, a few dropping out of your arms and to the ground. You look at the walls of boring yellow and faded paintings. You were a bit early to your date and you might have brought one too many snacks, but you knew this was going to be awesome. Anytime with Sal is awesome. 

It was about seven-thirty on a Friday afternoon. This movie date has been planned for a month, always having to be rescheduled, due to tutoring sessions with Todd (Sal), and guitar lessons with Larry (you).

The door opens to reveal Sal, his hair a bit of a mess, his blue eyes sparkling. He shook his head a bit, probably in amusement, and crossed his arms. 

"Sorry I took so long, (Y/N)." He bends over to pick up the M&Ms and Life Savers you dropped. Once he picks them up, his presses his mask to your head in an attempt to kiss, and leads you inside the small apartment. Smiling, you follow him inside the apartment, nodding at Gizmo, who was purring contently on the arm of the couch. The TV was on, showing the title screen of a movie you both wanted to see: Infinity War. Dumping the snacks on the coffee table, you turn to your boyfriend. 

"Hello, my dear Sally Face. I, your beautiful lover, have brought snacks for our well thought out date!" You smile and sit on the couch, pulling the blue-haired boy down next to you. Pressing a kiss to his prosthetic , he starts the movie and holds you close.

"Not so much as well thought out, just well awaited." He teases you, running a hand through you (h/c) locks. 

~Time Skip brought to you by: Ash ruining the moment.~

By the end of the movie, you were irritated. No, you were pissed off at the ending.

"You can't just leave us in the dark like that! What happens to everyone? Peter can't be dead!" You were yelling at the TV screen, before stopping to take a bite of cookie. "It's bull!"

Sal starts chuckling gently, moving his mask just a bit to press a gentle kiss to the top of your head. "You're getting way to worked up over movies, dear."

You roll your eyes and move to kiss his lips. "You don't get worked up enough. This is a beautiful movie, with wicked plot bunnies." 

"Plot bunnies?" Sharing a laugh, you two kiss again, gently, before it started to heat up. You reach toward the back of his head and gently undo his mask, pulling it off and setting it on the coffee table among the empty snack bowls and candy wrappers. 

You look at his face for a moment, a small smile on your lips as you kiss him again, playing with his pigtails. 

He kisses back and pulls you onto his lap so you were straddling him, your knees on either side of his legs. His lips move down your neck, kissing and nipping at the sensitive flesh, searching for you soft spot, as you started to undo his hair.

All was going well until-

"GIZMO!" You both gasp as the chubby cat jumps between you two, looking for attention. After a moment of brief panic, you laugh and scratch the furbaby behind the ears. Sal rolls his eyes and smiles. 

"Thanks, Gizmo." He kisses you, then the cat.

"I think this was a pretty good date, Sal." You smile at him as he puts his prosthetic back on. He nods a bit.

"I agree. We should do it again sometime."  

Word Count: 605

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