Mettaton x Reader: Dance, My Dear.

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This was requested by welpscrewlife. Thanks babes! Also, in this chapter, Metta will be a male. 

(Y/F/N) (Y/L/N) was known to be a bit shy at times. Which was both a good thing and a bad thing, depending on what you needed to do. Like today, the day where your good friend, Mettaton, asked you to help out with his show. 

You slowly walk to his studio, not quiet sure what he needed help with. His message was short and simple.

"(Y/F/N), darling! I would love it if you came by the studio today to help me. I'm not going to spoil the surprise, but make sure you are here by noon. Thank you, dear!"

Now, it was just after 11:30 am, as you push open the studio doors. It was quiet inside, minus the sound of the heating unite. You decide to walk to Mettaton's office area, hoping to fine the tall robot there. 

Slowly, you make your way to the office door, knocking loudly. "Metta? Are you in there?"

"(Y/F/N), my dear! Come in, come in!" The muffled voice calls. You turn the knob and enter the brightly lit room. Mettaton sat at his desk, his pick metal shining, almost blinding you. 

"What did you need me for, Metta? You said you needed my help." You ask him, walking in and making your way over to the desk, sitting on the corner of it. 

"Ah, yes! Of course! I need a dance partner today from my show." He smiles and claps his hands together. "And I thought you would be the perfect partner! Your dancing skills are superb!"

You felt your face heat up. "What?! No! You know I can't dance in front of everyone!" You run a hand through your hair. "What if I mess up? I'll make a huge fool of myself!"

"Nonsense, (Y/F/N)! I've seen you dance! You didn't mess up at all, and that dance was much more complex then the one we will be performing today!" Metta leans forward in his desk, his face just a few inches from yours. "I'll show you, let's go!" He stands up suddenly, and pulls you gently toward the stage area. The lights were dimmed and tinted a light (Favorite Color). 

You allow yourself to smile a bit as you are dragged up onto the stage. Metta snaps his fingers and a slow song started up. The robot places a one of his hands gently on your waist, the other grabbing your free hand. You gently set your other hand on his arm. 

Before you knew it, you were dancing, twirling and having a great time. Smiling brightly, you allow a small giggle to leave your mouth. This continues for a few minutes, before Mettaton dips you and kisses your lips ever so gently. 

"I told you you'll be perfect!" He mumbles when he pulls away from the kiss. Helping you back into a standing position, he chuckles at the red dusting blush on your face. 

"I couldn't have done it without you by my side." You mumble, pulling him back into a kiss. He smirks against your lips, before deepening the kiss. 

"Aaaand, that's a wrap!" You both separate and glare at the voice, Burgerpants, holding a small video camera. 

Thank you, once again, for the request! Don't forget to request anything you guys want via comments or DM's!!

~Echo, out! 

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