Loki x Reader: Balloons

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I started my day by being attacked by balloons at the supermarket. 

Let me explain! I was asked by Tony to go and get some food from the store, since Thor ate all the Poptarts in the tower. So, being the good little superhero I am, I made a list of crap we needed, and walked to the store, dragging a complaining Loki along with me. 

"(Y/N), why must I accompany you? Are you unable to carry a few bags home?" The god asked, clearly annoyed. You giggle. 

"Have you not met these people? Thor alone goes through a box of Poptarts a day." You glance at Loki, who was shaking his head. 

"I wish I didn't know these people." 

Shopping went smoothly, getting things for dinner for the week, getting a box of every kind of Poptarts they had, and even picking up some (Favorite Snack) for yourself. Loki picking out a few cereal bars.

"You like cereal bars?" You question him, going to stand in the one of the check out lanes. You kept running numbers through your head, trying to figure out how much all the food would cost. 

"I find them enjoyable, yes." Loki mumbles, crossing his arms to wait in line with you. The line seemed to not be moving at all. 

"What is taking so- AH!" Before you could even finish your sentence, the lights sparked, causing a large amount of balloons to pop and float to the ground. Just your luck, you were right underneath them, causing you to be covered in brightly colored balloons wishing you a happy birthday or happy anniversary. 

You growl and push the balloons off of you, glaring at Loki, who was laughing. He shakes his head. 

"While I am not one for childish humor, that was something else." He helps to free you from the balloons. He presses a kiss to your forehead. "Calm down, it's not the end of the world." 

You sigh and nod, glaring at the balloons. "This store needs it's electricity fixed."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2019 ⏰

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