Carnival (Larry x Reader)

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(The story was loosely inspired from the song.  I won't be quoting it just so you know. It's Hard To Be Cool by Joe Nichols.)

"Laaaarryyy!!~" Y/n cooed and ran up to her punk rock, best friend Larry. He seemed to perk at the sound of her voice and turned to face Y/n.

"Well look at you. Dressed up are we?"
Larry hummed and gestured to the dress she was wearing. He gently took her hand and made Y/n spin so he could get a good look.

Y/n giggled and shrugged. "Sally found it for me and said that I should wear it."
It wasn't a lie, Sal was in Y/n's apartment and yanked it right out of her closet. It was a soft white, sundress with some leggings.

Larry couldn't help but take his time as he looked at Y/n. He pulled her into a hug. "Well you look beautiful. Sally Face has some good taste."

Y/n blushed a bit from the compliment. "Well thank you.. But you look much better sporting your usual hoodie." She mused.

Larry chuckled and was about to respond when Sal walked over and rolled his eyes. "Come on already you love birds. Let's just go before we're here all day." He started walking off.

Y/n snorted and shook off her blush as she grabbed onto Larry's hand and pulled him along.

Larry couldn't help but blush lightly and feel his heart jump a beat. He had only known Y/n for two months, but he was head over heels for her. She was on his mind almost every moment of the day.

He loved her eyes, her appreciation for his art, and he knew when he was in love when he made  Y/n laugh so hard that she snorted soda up her nose. But he was afraid to confess his feelings. He didn't want things to be awkward and destory this lovely closeness that they shared...even though everytime she curled into his side, or when she played with his hair he had to hold back the urge to just kiss her.

The three of them had finally reached the carnival and the day went off without a hitch. They ran around and got cotton candy, checked out some of the shows that were playing and all around had a good time.

But when it came to be later Sal stopped and said, "Look it's been fun guys, but I gotta head home. It's late and I gotta feed Gizmo."
Y/n nodded and smiled softly

"Catcha later Saaaalllyy Face." She giggled and gave him a hug before he walked off.

Larry looked back at Y/n. "And then there were two." He mumbled, making Y/n snort.

"Come on you dork. I wanna play a couple games and see if I win anything." She linked arms with Larry and dragged him to a couple more stands, but he didn't mind. He loved seeing Y/n so happy like this. Eventually she found a stand that had a big teddy bear up for grabs. It was half of the size of Larry's body, and Y/n wanted it.... Badly.

She payed the man 5 bucks to have three shots. It was simple, knock the bottles off the table... Or so it seemed. After many, many tries, Y/n sighed in defeat. She pouted and looked up at the teddy bear.
"Oh well.. Maybe next time." she mumbled

Larry blinked and decided to take action. He placed down his own 5 dollars to give it a shot. He took a breath as he received his balls and tried to make the shot, and he had succeeded. The man behind the counter seemed a bit surprised. He shrugged and pulled off the bear from the hook.
"Well there you go little lady, you sure got a keeper there."

Y/n blushed a little bit at what the man implied, but didn't say anything against it. She carefully took the bear and walked off with Larry. Y/n looked at him and smiled. "Thanks so much Larry... I wish I could repay you for this."

Larry shrugged and rubbed the back of his neck. "Aw it was nothin. Don't need to worry about it."

Y/n bit her lip. "Still... It was the best day ever. Thank you." She leaned to kiss his cheek, but Larry accidently moved and he found her lips on his. He became stunned for a moment before slipping his arm around Y/n's waist and deepening the kiss.

Y/n was very flustered, but acted on instinct and kissed back. One of her hands resting on Larry's chest, while Larry moved his other hand to her hair. The kiss was soft, and sweet, the two only pulling away when absolutely necessary. Larry looked into Y/n's eyes and smiled.

"Just give me a dozen more of those and we'll call it even."

Wow jeezus that was long... I'm not too sure if this is average length for a oneshot, but I'm getting used to it. If you think this could've been shorter please tell me so and I'll try to fix it for next time.

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