New Friends (Fluff)

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This idea was suggested by @fandom_toaster and it's gonna be kinda less of a romance, x reader story and just more of a fluff piece. So enjoy! ●ᴥ●

Y/n sighed as she quietly closed her locker. She fiddled around with the books in her arms and carefully looked around in the hallway. People were standing around still in they're normal 'cliques' and such. Y/n was the new kid in school, and didn't really have anywhere to go. She hated the feeling of being the odd man out, but what could she do? She couldn't just walk up to a random group and butt in on their conversation...

Then her thoughts were interrupted as she turned and bumped into another girl.

"Oh son of a biscuit! I'm so sorry. I didn't see you there.. Are you okay?" Y/n quickly sputtered out to the Burnett. 

She gave a soft laugh, "Yes I'm fine... You're Y/n right? The new girl that just moved here from out of town?"

"D-does everyone know about me already?" Y/n bit her lip nervously.

"Oh yeah man. You'll learn quickly that nothing stays quiet for long in a small town. Word gets around," She gave a little smile, "Name's Ash by the way." 

"Oh! It's nice to meet you... um... So... What do you do at lunch anyway?"

"I've got a great place for you to go. Come with me. We're gonna go meet with my other friends. You'll fit right in." Ash giggled and lightly grabbed my hand to drag me along. Y/n didn't have a chance to protest against it. She saw as they approached a group of other boys, chatting with each other. They each greeted Ash with a smile...well except for one, who seemed to have a mask over his face... but he still sounded happy. Then all of their eyes slid to Y/n.

"Whoa! Who's the babe?" The boy with long, dark hair commented with a lighthearted grin. Y/n couldn't help but blush and giggle a bit. 

"Guys this is Y/n. I thought she could kinda be a part of our group." Ash smiled and stepped out of the way so Y/n could see everyone. She carefully pointed at everyone as she introduced them. "This is Larry, Todd, Sal, and Todd's boyfriend Neil. "

"H-Hi guys." Y/n said with a nervous smile.

"Whoaa! She speaks!" The masked man, that she now knew as Sal, said with a small laugh. 

There was a moment of pause as everyone thought of something to say to break the ice. Y/n decided to take it upon her self and quietly cleared her throat.

"S-so... If you guys wanted to get someone to kiss you what would you say?" She carefully looked around at the rest of them.

"Oh! Um... Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll give it back." Ash said sweetly.

Neil snorted and rolled his eyes. "I don't have to say anything. I just grab and pull." He smiled and grabbed Todd by the shirt. He pulled them close for a nice quick, and sweet kiss.

"I would just say, 'Hey baby, wanna know what's it like to kiss Freddy Kruger?'" Sal commented flatly, and the rest of the group had a good laugh at that. This was clearly the start of a amazing friendship.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2019 ⏰

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