Billie Jean (Sal x Reader)

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Just so y'all know. This takes place a little before episode 4 so everyone is an adult but shit hasn't gone down yet. Also, I might switch perspectives... So the stories probably won't always be in the third person.

Y/n's POV

I shoved open the doors with Sally Face. Our eyes were blessed with the biggest Halloween party we had ever seen. Larry trailed behind us and soon caught up.

"Look at the dance floor! It looks like it's own rave!!" I yelled, "AND THE FOOD! There's so much!" Sal laughed and nodded in agreement.

Larry just snorted and rolled his eyes, 
"Alright dudes. I'm gonna go get food for us. You dudes go dance it up." He walked off to the food table

I didn't waste a moment as I grabbed Sally's hand and practically dragged him to the dance floor. I instantly started to spin to the music. Sal just laughed and watched me for a while.

"Come on Sal! Don't be lame! Dance with meee!"

Sal shook his head. "I don't dance, but its fun to watch you."

I squinted at him and spun on my heel. "I know what'll make you dance." I mumbled mostly to myself as I made my way to the DJ. I lightly tapped his arm and whispered a song suggestion in his ear, and soon, he started to play Billie Jean by Michael Jackson (the song above.) I looked back at Sal and gave him a knowing grin.

I could see Sal laugh softly, as he couldn't help but start bobbing along to the song. I walked back over to him and started dancing to him so he felt more comfortable.

As the song continued, we spun around doing different cheesy moves. I honestly felt like we were the best dancers on that dance floor, and Sal was really getting into it... he seemed to let go of all his worries. Then suddenly, out of nowhere, he started doing the moon walk across the floor. I couldn't help but stare at him. 

"What's with the face?" Sal laughed and stopped dancing to look at me.

"What- I- How- Where the frick did you get all of that?!" I said gesturing to him and his feet.

"Oh right..." He chuckled a bit and rubbed the back of his neck. "Larry and I got really high once, and eventually we tried to teach each other the moon walk. I got really good at it apparently."

I snorted, "Well Sally Face... I gotta say... You're really good on your feet." 

"Aw thanks." I could practically see him smile from behind his mask. And then a slower song kicked in, and before I could scoot of the dance floor. Sal grabbed my hand and spun me close to him, he led me into a nice little sway. I couldn't help but smile a bit and carefully rest my head on his shoulder. We stood there, just enjoying each others company. 

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