The Wrong side of the bed-Marinette's POV

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"Wake up, WAKE UP!"
The sound of Alya yelling at her ringed in her ears making her head felt like it was gonna explode.
"A-Alya? Why are you here?" My vision was a little blurry but finally I could clearly see Alya's face staring down at me.
"Girl you got so drunk last night I had to drive and carry you upstairs."
Alya's words made my heart stop.
I was drunk? What would my parents think? What did I do? What happened?!
"Marinette I know this is a lot to take in but-..." Alya paused.
"But what?" I looked at her wanting her to complete the sentence.
"T-that you were totally crazy last night and you were dancing super wildly!" Alya said quickly.
"Nothing else bad happened?!"
Alya pauses then shakes her head.
"Phew." I say as I rub my head trying to take the pain away.
"Come on girl I was planning we could hang out today with Aaaadrieeeeen!" Alya winks at me.
I smile and follow her down the ladder to my dresser.
My mind thinks about the day with Adrien then I realize something.
"Woah woah calm down he was drunk too."
I let out a breath of relief "oh thank goodness."
Alya helps me get dressed because I was lazy and my head was still pounding.
"Were you drunk too Alya?"
"A little bit, not as much as you I was able to drive you home."
"Oh heh."
I fix up my pigtails while Alya texts on her phone, it was probably Nino.
"Hey you ready?" Alya finally days after turning off her phone.
"Yep!" I say grabbing my bag and quickly looking to see if Tikki was inside, which she was.
As we head down the ladder I think about if I should tell my parents.
I decide not to if I want to continue going to parties with Alya.
"Bye girls have a great day!" My mother says after we leave my house and walk to the park to meet Adrien and Nino.
When I see them Adrien looks really nervous. I wonder if I did something bad to him last night.
"H-hey Marinette..." He says sounding a little quieter than usual.
I smile and wave. I was too nervous to talk and say something stupid especially if I was drunk last night.
"Nino lets go check out this statue of Ladybug and Chat Noir!" She says pulling him away from Adrien and I.
"So um Marinette, did you enjoy the party last night?" Adrien looks up at me still with the nervous expression on his face.
"Yes up until Kim brought beers, I um kinda took a little much."
"Me too." He says calming down a little.
"Marinette I wanted to talk to you about-..." He pauses.
I tilt my head in confusion.
"U-um about... YOUR HAIR!"
I look at him confused.
"Oh is something wrong with it?" I say nervously trying to see if I could fix it.
"No no it's beautiful I wanted to say it looked beautiful." He smiles.
I smile back. "Aw thanks!"
Alya and Nino walk back over to us.
"So Marinette wanna go see a movie??" Nino asks.
I see Alya whisper something into Adrien's ears and he shakes his head. I watch as Alya rolls her eyes and walks over to me.
"So how about that movie?"
"Oh um sure why not." I answer and we all walk towards the movie theater.
"What movie?" Alya asks.
"Hm I dunno." I say shrugging.
"Oooo good choice Nino!" Alya says winking.
Once we reached the movies I look at the cover of the alien movie.
"Oh that looks... scary!" I say a little worried of embarrassing myself in front of Adrien.
"Don't worry girl I'm sure someone will comfort you." She gestures her head towards Adrien's who is too surprised to respond.
"Oh u-um I'm sure I will be fine." I say as we walk into the movie and hand our tickets to the lady standing outside.
I sit next to Adrien while Alya sits next to Nino.
Shyly I look at Adrien.
"I'm sorry if I end up squeezing your arm."
He seemed to have been day dreaming and he jumps out of his daydream and into reality when I speak.
"Oh no that's totally fine Marinette if your scared you can hold my arm don't worry."
I blush a little and look at the screen as the movie begins.
Every time there was a jump scare or the alien ripped up someone's flesh I squeezed his arm and screamed a little.
He was caught off guard every time I grabbed his arm. I felt bad.
But he would just laugh and tell me it was all fake.
Once the movie ended we walked outside to wait for Alya and Nino to get out as well.
"Soooo how was the movie?" Alya asked me winking.
"Scary but it was good." I say awkwardly smiling.
"Yeah Marinette had to grab me a couple of times." Adrien laughs a little.
A sound from his phone interrupts his laughter.
"Oh..." He says sadly looking at the text.
"What's wrong dude?" Nino asks coming over to him.
"My father wants me home now sorry guys, I will see you on Monday."
We wait until his bodyguard picks him up then we leave.
"Well that was fun while it lasted." Alya says.
I nod.
"Well do you wanna grab some lunch?" Nino asks trying to break the silence.
"Sure! Where should we go?" Alya looks on her phone for good places to go for lunch.
I continue to watch where Adrien's car left.
"Here!" Alya says grabbing my attention.
"It's called Le Sandwich. It has some of the BEST sandwiches in Paris!"
"Mmm sounds great!" Nino says happily.
Then we make our way to Le Sandwich.

—At Le Sandwich—

Nino takes a big bite into his sandwich and eats it pretty fast.
I just stare at my food.
"Hey girl what's wrong?" Alya says looking at me.
"Alya are you keeping something from me with Adrien?!"
She pauses. And quickly shakes her head.
"No no of course not I have been just un trying to get him to ask you out that's all!"
"WHAT?!" I say shocked.
She laughs. "Now eat your food you don't want to waste THE BEST SANDWICH IN PARIS!"
I smile and start to gobble down my sandwich.
After we pay Nino and Alya walk me back to my house.
"Well we will see you Monday girl!" Alya says as she waved goodbye to me.
I wave back and rush up to my room without saying anything to my parents while they work.
I slump onto my bed once I get upstairs and Tikki flies out of my bag.
"Marinette don't worry I'm sure if Alya is hiding something well she will tell you eventually no need to worry."
"I guess your right Tikki. I guess I'm worried I did something else at the party."
"Well I don't know anything I promise I wasn't even there, but if I did I would tell you everything I knew." Tikki says smiling.
"Thanks Tikki." I yawn. "I am really tired maybe I should take a nap."
"Ok Marinette." Tikki kisses my forehead and sleeps on the pillow next to me.

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