Me? A Father?-Adriens POV

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"Plagg claws in."
I de-transformed and slumped onto my bed.
Plagg flew over with his piece of camembert.
"What's with the face?" he said in between chews.
I turned to face Plagg and let out a deep sigh.
"I'm just stressed or erm nervous? I-I dunno.."
"Is this about Marinette?"
I nodded and laid a hand over my face.
"There's no way that I would be ready for that kind of thing..."
Plagg laughed. "Pfft I can't imagine you as a father without dropping the kid at least once."
I narrowed my eyes at Plagg. "Wow thanks.."
Plagg sighed in his failed attempt to make a joke.
"Listen, next time you see Marinette you will talk to her about it and everything will work out."
Before I could reply I heard a knock on my door.
"Adrien you have a photo shoot at The Louvre in 20 minutes! Get ready!" Nathalie said.
"Ok thanks Nathalie!" I said as I got up from my bed.
I walked over to my closet and opened it to see the outfit I would be wearing. It was a white shirt and a ripped jean jacket along with a pair of jeans and a black hat.

—————————10 minutes later—————————

I watched out the window as we drove to The Louvre. I saw parents holding hands with their kids as they swung them and laughed with joy. I slightly smiled.
When we arrived I got out and walked over to where the cameras were set up.
"Welcome Adrien! Thanks for coming! Just stand right here for me!" The cameraman said.
I walked over and stood where he told me to and smiled.
The cameras flashed and I heard him say "Excellent!" "Perfect!" "A little to the left for me please."
I took many different poses and face expressions.
He continued to take pictures and give me props for them.
Suddenly I heard a screaming. I looked over to a child who had tears streaming down his face. His parents tried to comfort him but ultimately failed.
My eyes explored all around.
A little girl kept wandering away from her parents who were desperately trying to catch her.
I could hear the faint voice of the cameraman saying "Adrien look this way."
I shook my head to snap out of it and looked back at the camera.
"You're quite distracted today Adrien."
"Heh yeah sorry..." I rubbed the back of my neck.
"Perfect pose! Stay there!"
The cameras flashed some more.

———————————Plaggs POV——————————

The jean jacket Adrien was wearing was a little uncomfortable but it wasn't so bad.
I honestly felt bad for the kid, he is terrified of what might happen.
Maybe a little visit to Sugarcube might help to figure out what's going on, but how will I explain to Adrien why I'm going to visit her. He doesn't know that Marinette is Ladybug. I guess I could tell him that I'm going to find out why Ladybug was acting so strange and not using her yo-yo. Perfect.
I stretched and yawned quietly. The good thing about the jean jackets pocket was that it was warm.
Now that I think about it..if Marinette really is pregnant how will she be able to stop villains and defeat Hawkmoth? People will discover who she is, including Adrien. They can't risk it.
Did Marinette speak with Master Fu yet? I would think so...
Ugh all this thinking has made me hungry! A nice piece of Camembert would do the trick. I closed my eyes thinking of the most beautiful creation in the world that would satisfy my hunger.

—————————Back to Adriens POV———————

It was getting really hot as the day dragged on.
"We're almost done Adrien! Just keep that pose!"
I nodded and continued to pose.
Then I heard some more screams of children.
My heart rate increased and my breathing grew heavy.
The thoughts started to interrupt my mind again.
Me?! A father?! What if I can't do it? What will father think? What will I do about saving Paris?
The world felt like it had froze.
I couldn't move.
The screaming and crying of the children filled my head.
I felt dizzy and weightless.
"Adrien? Hello?"
I could hear the cameraman faintly.
My throat was dry and I suddenly didn't feel well.
Everything suddenly went blurry. I wobbled a bit before I felt like I was falling.
My body hit the ground with a thump and I could barely hear the yells and screams of the people around me.
Then everything went black.

Hello readers!
I'm so so so sorry about the VERY long wait. School is taking up most of my time especially with mid-terms coming up! I also couldn't find the inspiration to write. I will try my very hardest to write more! Stay tuned!

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