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The day passed quickly and I was terrified for when they would come over only for me to tell them the truth.
I sat in my bed most of the day either staring at my stomach thinking about how there was a tiny baby growing inside me, or looking up how to take care of one when you are a teen.
I was so nervous. My body couldn't stop shaking for most of the day. Tikki tried her best to cheer me up, and most of the time she did.
"Look on the bright side Marinette, Adrien, your biggest crush is the father to the baby growing inside you!"
I nodded and smiled.
"Mhm..that is right.."
Time was ticking and there was only an hour left until school ended and I would be telling them the truth.
I practiced how I was gonna tell that over and over again.
"Hey Adrien so um IM PREGNANT AND YOUR THE FATHER! No no no that is way to loud and fast..How about, hey Adrien would you love to be a dad? No of course not he is too young what am I thinking! Hey Adrien I know you will probably will be just as scared as I am when I tell you this but, at your birthday party we had sex and I'm pregnant...with your baby. Perfect!"
Tikki nodded in agreement and I smiled.
I looked at the clock.
Just then I heard a knock on the door.
"It's them..they're here.."
I took a ragged breath and headed downstairs.
Slowly I opened the door to see Alya, Nino, and Adrien.
"H-hey guys.."
"Hey Marinette how are you feeling?" Nino asked.
"I'm fine heh totally fine."
"So Marinette didn't you wanna talk to us about something hm?" Alya said.
"Oh um yes follow me guys." I said waving a hand for them to follow me upstairs.
Once we were all gathered in my room I took a seat on my sofa.
I breathed in and started to talk in a shaky voice.
"So um I wanted to tell you guys, specifically Adrien something that is not good well it can be good but depends how you take it I mean-."
"Just get on with the point Marinette." Alya said. She could tell I was scared out of my skin.
"S-So anyways Adrien what I wanted to tell you was that I'm-."
Just then a loud scream came from outside.
"What was that?!" Adrien said concerned.
We all rushed for the window only to see a super villain standing in the road outside.
"Akuma attack! We have to warn everyone!" Nino shouted.
"I gotta take a video of this!" Alya said turning on her phone rushing downstairs.
"Sooo uh where is your bathroom?" Adrien said awkwardly.
After telling him where it was, I was the only one left in my room which was good because now I could transform.
"Ok Tikki lets go!"
"Are you sure Marinette, it might not be safe for the baby..."
"I know Tikki but I will be super careful not to swing so much."
Tikki smiled.

I rushed outside and saw Chat Noir already fighting the villain.
"It's about time m'lady!" He said with a grin on his face.
"No time for flirting let's get down to business!"
"As you wish bugaboo!"
The villain looked to be a little girl about 8 years old. She held a baby bottle gun type of thing that she pointed at us.
She smiled at us.
"Looks like I am about to get two new siblings! A big brother and big sister!"
She fired her baby bottle gun at us. Chat Noir jumped out of the way while I ducked down hoping I didn't hurt the baby. The shot missed me by an inch.
"That was way too close m'lady, is something up? Why can't you use your yo-yo or jump?"
"We don't have time to discuss that right now! Just focus on the villain!"
Just then a mother and her two kids ran past trying to escape.
"Perfect target." Ravisseur said to herself as she shot both of the kids.
They kids eyes turned green and they both walked over right in front of Ravisseur.
"We will protect you big sister!" They said simultaneously.
"Hey! Those aren't your siblings!" Chat Noir said pointing his baton at Ravisseur.
"They are now!!"
I looked at Chat Noir. "The akuma is in that baby bottle!"
He nodded. "Good guess!"
We both looked back only to find that Ravisseur was not where she once was.
"Lets go find her m'lady!" Chat noir extended his baton and started to hop from building to building.
I was about to swing my yo-yo when I realized that wasn't a good idea, I would have to go by feet.
I started to run looking frantically for the villain.
I got a call from Chat Noir and I and quickly answered.
"I found her! But where are you?"
"I had to walk..but that's not the point where are you?!"
"The Eiffel Tower! Hurry!"
I nodded and hung up.
I rushed as fast as I could to the Eiffel Tower.
When I got there Ravisseur was surrounded by kids protecting her claiming they were her siblings.
"I think it's time!" I said to Chat Noir as he landed next to me.
He nodded.
Suddenly a stuffed bear fell down into my hands.
I looked around searching for how I was gonna use it.
"Ahah! I've got it!"
I walked up to all the kids.
"Destroy Ladybug!" They all said.
I smiled.
"Who wants a teddy bear?!"
They all starred at the bear as I waved it around in the air.
"If you want the bear I will have to make a trade, for that baby bottle!" I pointed to Ravisseur's baby bottle gun.
They all nodded and turned to face Ravisseur.
"W-what are you doing my sisters and brothers?!"
All of the kids tackled her and tickled her making her burst out laughing.
One of them grabbed the baby bottle and rushed over and gave it to me.
"Your turn Chat Noir!"
He nodded.
He destroyed the bottle and the akuma flew out.
"No more evil doing for you little akuma! TIME TO DE EVILIZE! Bye bye little butterfly!"
All of the kids eyes turned normal and Ravisseur's outfit disappeared.
"What happened?" The little girl said.
"You got akumatized but your ok now!"
"Thank you Ladybug and Chat Noir!"
Suddenly my earring started to beep.
"Gotta run can you help all the children find their parents?"
"Will do m'lady..but mind explaining why you didn't use your yo-yo?"
"I will explain another time for now I have to go!"
"Until next time bugaboo!"
"Spots off." I said as I got to my room.
"Phew." Tikki said.
"I guess I never got the chance to tell them..."
"Don't worry Marinette I know that last fight was difficult for you so just tell that you feel sick and you will talk to them another day.
I smiled and agreed.

Me: Hey guys I'm feeling sick can I talk to you guys another day?

Of course Marinette feel better!

Get well soon!

It's fine Marinette! I hope you get better!

I let out a sigh of relief. Sadly this means I will have to wait to tell them and have another stress weighing down my shoulders...

(Sorry for the long wait I hope you enjoyed! Thanks for 2000 reads!😁)

Miraculously Pregnant Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora