Baby on Board-One month later-Marinettes POV

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A pain inside my stomach woke me.
I felt like all of my insides were gonna pour out of me.
"T-Tikki I'm gonna be s-sick!"
I fly down my ladder and rush to the bathroom.
I hated being sick. I felt weak as I threw up my dinner.
"MARINETTE ARE YOU OK?!" Tikki exclaims.
"N-no." I say after I wipe my mouth.
Tikki flies over and feels my head.
"No fever hm."
My hands are shaking, and I can't stop them.
I grab my phone and try to text Alya with my shaking hands.
What I was trying to tell her didn't come out the way I expected.
Instead this is what I said:

Helppp i jst thaw up

Alya responded a few minutes later.

What? Lmao do you mean threw up??


Marinette I need to talk to you call me so I can explain something to you.

Why did Alya want to call me? I wondered as I pressed her contact to call her.

"Alya what did you want to talk about?"
She starts to talk in a serious tone.
"Remember Adrien's party?"
"Yes, what about it?"
" I-i've been meaning to tell you this but well um..."
"Tell me Alya!!!" I say scared of what she might say next.
"You didn't only dance wildly when you were drunk... you kinda had sex with Adrien..."
What she said made my heart stop. My breathing got faster and I wanted to scream and throw my phone out the window but instead I started to cry.
"Oh Marinette I'm so sorry..."
"Why am I so STUPID!!" I yelled through the phone.
"Marinette your not stupid the alcohol made you do this on mistake."
I sniff and rub the tears away.
"But Marinette there is one more thing."
"Y-yes?" I say sniffing.
"Did you say you threw up?"
She stops and takes a deep breath.
"Go to the store and grab a pregnancy test..."
My mind stops working. NO NO NO I CANT BE PREGNANT NO WAY NO WAY.
"ALYA NOOOOO!!!" I cry really hard this time.
"Girl take deep breathes it will be ok I promise."
"W-w-what I-if I'm p-p-Pregnant." I say breathing really fast and hard. I want to just hide away under my blanket.
"Just grab the test and see ok I will be over as soon as possible."
I whimper as I hang up the phone.
Once I hang up I look at the time. 5:27 am.
How was I supposed to sneak out without my parents seeing.
Hmm well Ladybug can sneak out.
"Tikki do you mind if I'm Ladybug just for a little bit."
Tikki thinks for a minute then nods.
"Since it's important just this once."
I nod.
I transform and use my yo-yo to swing myself to the department-store.
I hide on the side of the store and de-transform.
"Tikki spots off."
I look around to make sure no one saw me.
"Tikki hide."
Tikki flies into my bag and I walk inside the store.
I check my phone.
"I don't have much time." I say to Tikki as I go inside.
"Be quick." I hear Tikki whisper.
I nod and start to look around for the pregnancy tests.
"Where is it?" I say looking around for the little boxes that said pregnancy test.
"Where is what?" I turn around and see a lady standing behind me. She looked like she worked there.
Part me wanted to tell her what I was looking for. The other half felt WAY to awkward to ask.
"Oh um I was..." I thought of an excuse.
"Where are the pregnancy tests my friend thinks she may be pregnant and she was too awkward to get it herself so I'm getting it for her." I smiled to show that I was innocent.
The lady nodded.
"This way dear." She said as she lead me down a section.
"Here we are."
I look at the pregnancy tests and grabbed a random one.
"Thanks!" I said and smiled.
"No problem, and good luck." She says winking.
I'm guessing there was a lot of girls who came in with excuses.
I awkwardly walked up to the cash register and placed the pregnancy test up for the cashier.
"Will that be all?" She asks as she scans the little box.
"Umm." I say as I look down at the candies.
I grab a little bag of chocolates and place them in front.
She scans them and puts them in a bag as I get out my money.
"Thanks." I say as she gives me my bag.
"Marinette why did you get those chocolates?" I hear Tikki whisper from my bag.
"If I am pregnant then I need something to stress eat."
"Oh Marinette." Tikki says laughing.
I give a little laugh as I hide on the side of the store.
I swing back to my room and de-transform.
"Well Tikki time to take it." I gulp.
"Good luck Marinette!" Tikki exclaims.
"Thanks Tikki." I say as I take the test out.
I quickly walk over to the bathroom.
"Hm ok I guess I have to um pee on this thing. Well this is gonna be interesting..."
I pull down my pants and put the pregnancy test under me as I sit down in the toilet.
While I pee on the pregnancy test I feel really awkward and I was glad that I was alone with just Tikki.
Once I finish I pull my pants up right away and put the test on the side of the sink.
My eyes are glued to the test not wanting to move.
My heart raced. I couldn't stand the suspense.
"Tikki how long has it been?"
"Only two minutes Marinette." Tikki says.
"Aww I have thirteen minutes left." I didn't want to wait any longer.

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