Why me?

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Ok, so it was a normal day down in Atlantis. Recently, things have been changing. Arthur has been so busy with affairs on the surface world, that his lords daughter was forced to take over.

Queen Percy, she hated the title. Seriously, she attempted to make a law where if she was called that, the person would be in prison for a week. Her father made sure that that didn't happen, and so she had to suck it up.

Atlantis loves their queen, she was their hero. Also, she's had less time to go to the surface world as of late. Also, she's gotten back together with her boyfriend.


He was her rock, her lifeline to this world. He's been there for her since after the first war, but they've been friends since as long as she can remember.

He's a hero, and so is she. Just, he's more public. Percy tends to stay out of the public eye nowadays, due to her history. Well, what do you expect the seventeen year old girl to do?!?

Anyway, today was her day to visit camp. Percy got up carefully, so she wouldn't wake up her sleeping boyfriend. She almost made it out of bed, when he got up. Percy pouted and crossed her arms.

"What are you doing Percy?" Asked her slightly sleepy boyfriend.

"I was trying to get out without waking you up, but apparently I failed to do so." She said, as said boy chuckled and pulled her into a hug.

"Why were you leaving in the first place?" He Asked, as Percy snuggled into his embrace.

"I'm visiting camp today. So please, I need to get ready." She said, Kaldur sighed, but obliged. I laughed at his face, he's so cute when he has to let me go.

"You know you're so cute when you make that face, oh, and tell me. Who died recently? Besides Tula?" I asked, what? I've got a plan I forced Death Breath to be apart of.

"None, just Kid Flash." My eyes widened, no, Wally and Artemis. My opt, they are separated?!? Nope, not on my watch.

"What?!? Nope, not gonna do." I mutter, as I put on my jean shorts, brown gladiator sandals, they end just at my knee. Then I put on a camp shirt, and pull my hair into a low ponytail, also, I grab a jacket.

"Pearl, why do you need a jacket? It's quite hot out?" Said my boyfriend, and I froze.

"Schist." I mutter, then before I can register, I'm face to face with a worried and determined boyfriend.

"Percy, tell me. Why do you need a jacket?" Asked Kaldur firmly, I sighed. Taking a deep breath, I looked him in the eye.

"You know that I was fighting a war while you were undercover, right?" I asked carefully, he nodded, and I looked down.

"While we were in Rome, Annabeth went off and found the Athena Parthenon, but we ran into some trouble. Arachnid, she was guarding it. And it was resting on spider silk above this crevasse, that led straight down to Tartarus." Kaldur gasps, and I can see the fear in his eyes.

"Percy, you didn't?" He asked, all I did was nod. He pulled me into a tight hug, and I could feel him shaking.

"Annabeth got stuck in some of the web, and Arachnid was pulling her down. I rushed forward and grabbed her hand, Neeks tried to get to me, but I was already in the crevasse. We were dangling a good two feet below where Neeks was, and I was the only thing keeping us from falling all the way to Tartarus.

Nico, he tried to reach, but I knew it was useless. I thought you were dead at this time, and Annabeth was my only other best friend. I had been abducted by Hera, and put in and eight month coma. So there was no way in Hades that I was about to leave my best friends side.

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